Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 27 08:38:03 EDT 2006 | cuculi54986@yahoo.com
I tried some SN100C from AIM... On only one array. It flowed well on the chips but did not like the finish on the SOT23's on the board. I did not have enough arrays to mess around, so we switched it over to SAC305 and had no issues. I'm guessing w
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 11:55:34 EDT 2006 | jbrower
Howdy Amol, As far as I can see, there aren't too many pitfalls with SN100C. Just make sure to keep all of your alloys seperated. The issues that I am working out right now is the profiles with our wave pallets and some of our larger components. We
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 16:07:38 EST 2011 | pjc
If your peak temps in profiling the Sn/Pb solderpaste are 210C-215C, then no, you will not "weld" to the SN100C finish. SN100C is liquidus at 227C, too hot for most Sn/Pb solderpastes.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 11:41:53 EST 2005 | GS
Hello, a - does any one of you have experience with PCB finished by SN100C (SnCuNi)? SMT single side? SMT double side? SS/DS plus PTH? b - if yes, what about compatibility with different alloys (ie. SAC)used for SMT or Wave (different me
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 17:36:22 EST 2011 | ck_the_flip
had a quick question regarding compatibility of Sn100C HASL finish and regular Sn63 solder paste. Does the thermal profile have to reach Sn100C eutectic temps. in order for the Sn 100C HASL to coaelesce with the Sn63 Solder paste? How reliable is t
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 09:14:49 EDT 2005 | Jason Fullerton
I've tested boards with SN100C HAL finish, and wetting to the PCB finish was poor at best, using a no clean SAC305 paste.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 14 15:18:49 EDT 2010 | jmedernach
Hi Phil, If the areas that are "turning gray" are masked, it would lead me to believe that you're simply oxidizing the SnCuNiGe finish on those areas. It's unsightly but not an actual defect. I think it's simply the biproduct of using SN100C as a s
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 24 15:28:17 EST 2008 | edmentzer
We use SN100C for wave soldering and hand Lead free soldering and have had very good results. The wire cored solder for hand soldering flows good and makes very good solder joints. The SN100C in the wave solder machine also works very good. We use
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 11:59:51 EDT 2006 | Mario Scalzo, SMT CPE
Good afternoon all! Theoretically, there should not be any issues soldering to the SN100C as the tin content of the molten paste alloy should wet to the finish with no problem. I would just ensure that the peak temperature of the joint is above the
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 15:53:07 EDT 2005 | GS
Hi Ted, look at this tread: Lead-free solder alloy: SN100C from AIM solder then see note of Bob Gilbert (from FCT Assembly) you can have from him very interesting documentation CD about HASL made by SN100C alloy Regards GS