Electronics Forum: fkn systek k3000 blade change (Page 1 of 1)

Depanelling scoring groove PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 07:02:24 EDT 2014 | cbeneat

we also use the FKN Systek K3000, we have 4 of these and two of the motorized K4000's both are easy to use and reliable. FKN also has a blade sharpening service.


fkn systek k3000 blade change searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

FKN Systek
FKN Systek

Depanelizer Equipment and Tools For Electronic Assembly. PCB Racks and Trays. Wire Crimp Press and Tooling.


115 Pleasant Street
Millis, USA

Phone: 508 376 2500