Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 12:26:38 EST 2008 | 4balisong
After hand soldering I am getting solder flags on my boards (see attachments). Any one have an idea on how to get rid of these flags or are those acceptable?
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 08 02:04:37 EST 2008 | lococost
IPC S-900T AERO states that these flags are usually caused by the the removal of l�d from solder(l�dfree). Acceptability depends on form/casing. e.g: you wouln't want a tin flag hanging out of your cellphone. Thanks for making my mondaymorning mor
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 13:44:49 EST 2008 | wavemasterlarry
Swedish flag made with reflow solder. Ha ha ha guys! Very funny., When my people told me I was wanted on The Forum again I thought it was a real challenge.
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 13:14:42 EST 2008 | patrickbruneel
This phenomenon is called patriotic joints Acceptability depends on the colors Am sure WML has a cure for them
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 09:58:30 EST 2008 | cyber_wolf
This is a shot in the dark because it has been years since I worked on a CP3. I believe that there is a flag on the turret. As the turret makes a full revolution this flag must make pass through a sensor. If this sensor is not functioning or if the
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 18:12:18 EDT 2006 | SWAG
Check to make sure the platen and the camera are meeting the sensors that tell the machine they are "parked". Find these sensors and flag them. Look for indication they are working in the input screen. Also, make sure the sensor flags can go into
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 19:54:40 EDT 2022 | jdengler
I don't know the CP6's that well but on earlier CP's there is a flag that rotates with the CAM. That flag has 2 sensors that are used to get rough zero. Check that they are working correctly. Jerry
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 11:53:41 EDT 2006 | fastek
Oh he gets it!
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 12:36:32 EDT 2006 | Chris G
I got his point, and find it quite interesting. I think the topic is appropriate for this forum.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 16:06:05 EDT 2006 | slthomas
In spades.