Electronics Forum: flags wave (Page 1 of 2)

Rollback the Lead-Free Initiative by Dr. Howard Johnson

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 02 15:41:41 EDT 2008 | patrickbruneel

Chunks, Thanks for covering my back. Except from being able to wave the big green flag what benefits does lead-free have? Once the green flag comes down we will see what a mess lead free has made. I hope that all the sales people that claim to mak

Wave soldering profiling

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 17:17:59 EDT 2004 | Bruce

I am glad this thread is still alive as I have a concern. I have just entered the wave soldering business after many years in smt. After wave I am getting icicles or flags on my component leeds. My temps seem to be all with in spec as does my NC flux

Lead trimming

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 04:30:33 EST 2023 | ttheis

Are components that need to be trimmed available on a reel? A lead trimmer that cuts from a reel of TH parts is fast and avoids post trimming. We also tried a bench top lead trimmer and its a terrible process; sold the machine after the first day. Bo

Sticky solder, solder flagging, bridging.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 15:23:58 EDT 2023 | jamesatqkits

Hello All, We have a small selective solder machine from RPS, a Rhythm SS, purchased used with SN100C in pot. For a couple of years we have used this machine and gotten good results. We have been adding SN995 to the pot as it needed more solder. Then

Lead trimming

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 19:04:06 EST 2023 | SMTA-64387074

Looking for information on lead trimming after wave solder. Does anyone do this through automated equipment? I know ideally parts would be cut to length before insertion and not trimmed after wave solder but sometimes that is cost prohibitive. When n

Re: Cooling

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 24 19:53:54 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

| It has been known that sufficient cooling after soldering is important in order to get a stronger joint during its solidification stage. And it has been so much emphasised with reflow oven. But, why many models of wave soldering machine do not come

Wave soldering profiling

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 20:48:43 EDT 2004 | Ken

Just a thought.... Some Fluxes require temperatures upto 260F (127C). Are you using water based flux or solvent (alcohol). I have noticed that many wave machines are NOT capable of preheating adequately when using water based materials. This can

Trimming leads

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 11:55:08 EST 2000 | Casimir Budzinski

I am looking for a faster way to trim component leads after wave solder. We now cut by hand, we have a Q-cuter but stoped using it the blades dulled quickly and left flags. we just got a cut and clinch locator and hope this will solve some of are pro

Re: Cooling

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 10:59:01 EST 1999 | Ng

| | It has been known that sufficient cooling after soldering is important in order to get a stronger joint during its solidification stage. And it has been so much emphasised with reflow oven. But, why many models of wave soldering machine do not co

Re: DFM Guidelines or solderability?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 20:44:16 EDT 1998 | Peter

We haven't built these yet. The customer was in layout at the time and I was looking for any flags from others to determine if I should have them change the layout as I've not seen this before. From your response and others that I've received, it s

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