Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 11:20:04 EDT 2022 | proceng1
Is the BLUE area the only place where parts are located? That is a very interesting concept. Why do they NEED to be flattened? Do they ship flattened, or are they installed flat? I assume that the use of flex is because the actual application re
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 15 21:28:44 EST 2004 | Annoymous
Gridlok is good but it will also depends on your board. Board that is warpped and thick will not be flatten by gridlok as the concept for this support system is to conform to the shape of the underside of the board with very minimum upward force from
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 06:56:34 EDT 2006 | billyd
Keep in mind; if you're building warped or twisted boards, do NOT use the Grid-lok system on them, as they tend to conform to the bend or twist of the underside of the PCB, so it will not flatten or straighten out much at all when it's brought to the
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 15:25:13 EDT 2007 | mattkehoe
It is a flattening machine used in the application of solid solder deposits. Basically a conveyorized oven with a press at the end. mk
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 11:23:14 EST 2008 | operator
Have you contacted the manufacturer of the socket? They usually have some insight. I have heard of large BGA sockets being warped when they are received and flatten out during reflow. That is crazy to me, but there are people dealing with issues like
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 17:41:09 EST 2008 | act_smt
So would you side to say that electrolytic capacitors have Flattened coined leads & should follow specs under that classification?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 14:58:50 EDT 2004 | mattkehoe
We have a need for expert opinions on a solderability issue. Our company prints and then reflows solder paste with no components in place. It is then washed and flattened with a special flattening machine. Usually, the paste fuses and spreads out
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 14 07:53:44 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko
Hi Paul, a planar surface is not what you get after reflow no matter how hard you try to get the best printing results. One thing is to flatten the surface again like the Sipad-technology but I don�t know if and how it�s applicable in your specific c
Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 18:40:49 EDT 2005 | jsloot
The ends of the nozzles look flattened. I haven't measured the total length yet to see if it is in tolerance or not. That is for tomorrows "to do" list as well as calling tech support. When I slow the machine speed down and watch what is happening I
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 11:16:20 EDT 2005 | pjc
Thanks Steve, good point about warped boards, which are common with doube-sided reflow. Centerboard support helps minimize on reflow. We did do modification to the workboard holders to ensure boards are secured. The boards where small enough that war