Electronics Forum: flex jet calibration (Page 1 of 7)

How to fix flex bent after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 20:31:06 EDT 2022 | stephendo

Are you calibrated to NIST traceable standards?

On contact calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 13:42:20 EDT 2004 | sigmaprint

You will need to set the contact and squeegee zero calibration every time you set up a new product, we do this because the thickness of the substrate (pcb) can change between product and this will effect these calibration settings. The machine does n

GSM Flexjet calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 19:38:12 EST 2021 | ttheis

Hi Deni, I just bought a machine with FJ9 heads- I have never had a flexjet, only regular flex heads. Are there any pointers you can share? What ended up being your problem? When you do a calibration, do you do the CPE also? I have been fortunate

Cyberoptics Flex ultra HR SIMs calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 07:50:36 EDT 2021 | ouaret

we have a Cyberoptics Flex ultra HR machine (model N 8010949). the alignment of camera 1,3,5 and 2,4 is impossible because the images from each Fire wire adapter don't have the same size. we tried to calibrate with the target board, but also unsucce

Cyberoptics Flex ultra HR camera alignement and calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 21:37:17 EDT 2021 | ouaret

dear all, update: we got that the calibration of SIM is the problem, the distance between SIMs need to be calibrated. can someone help us get the manual that describe on how to calibrate the SIMs? we have a problem with our cyberoptics AOI machine

Universal GSM1 with Shuttle

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 08:27:28 EDT 2005 | siverts

The 7 spindle Flex jet head, can only pick max 7 comps. from the GSM base machine in a single operation, not from the shuttle. The Flex jet head is faster in z-axis and will also use the OTHC (On The Head Camera) to inspect most of Your smaller comps

FLexJet pickup problems

Electronics Forum | Thu May 12 16:24:39 EDT 2011 | vickt

Also... this is ONLY a pick issue? No issues with placement for those that you do successfully pick? Have the spindles been calibrated lately?

FLexJet pickup problems

Electronics Forum | Thu May 12 18:32:02 EDT 2011 | jbaez1

Also... this is ONLY a pick issue? No issues with > placement for those that you do successfully > pick? > > Have the spindles been calibrated > lately? Hi Vickt! thanks for your comments,,during step mode no failure at all, the spindle moves d

Universal NCC8 head

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 22:01:48 EST 1999 | Scott Birnbaum

Can anyone give me information about a NCC8 (?) head for the Universal GSM's. Thats the one w/ four spindles and onboard vision (not flex jet however). Are there any maintenance issues with this style head? Is the onboard camera system accurate? How

JUKI vs UIC Pick N Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 10:23:43 EDT 2018 | ilavu

This video does not show FlexJet head, It is Flex head with 4 spindle. We have about 5 GSM with flex and FlexJet head with OS/2 and 4 with Windows2K. If you need any help, I will be glad to help you. Tushar

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