Electronics Forum: flex oven (Page 1 of 7)

Re: Reflow of flex circuit

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 16:25:27 EST 1998 | Brian Stumm @ ETS

| I am looking for information on reflow temps for a flex board. There is only one 6 pin IC but the board has a 3M double sided tape. | Is it possible to reflow without damaging the tape. Any suggestions? Do you have a profiler for your reflow oven?

Pre-bake of Polyimide flex ? ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 18:09:07 EST 2004 | kmorris

At a previous job I had been taught that when reflow soldering polyimide flex circuits, it was necessary to pre-bake them before reflow soldering to prevent delamination. Our procedures said that there must be a 1hr bake prior to reflow, and the flex

How to fix flex bent after reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 19:10:36 EDT 2022 | proceng1

My printer handles 1500mm stencil, so no, 4 ft boards print ok. If you are bending the board for the oven, does that mean your printer and PnP handle the full length?

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 20:57:01 EDT 2002 | davef

We don�t use this glue. What does Heraeus say about your condensate? [I'm With the previous poster. Your condensate sounds like goop from NC flux not glue.] How to clean out a 3 meter length of chimney? Depends on your tolerance for pain * Take

effective liquor for cleaning the residues in reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 21:33:34 EDT 2001 | davef

Todays crazy idea?! (environmental safe) February 22, 2001 05:33 AM Mattias Andersson [http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&&Message_ID=5343&_#Message5343] Turning things just a bit, our working theory is: burnt flux

BGA Solder Short

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 00:24:10 EDT 2023 | stephendo

Those photos also look like delamination. The balls are smaller where the bridging is. There isn't more solder. It's that the solder is somehow squeezed together. Check the BGAs after removing to see if they do have a bulge. Maybe the pcb is flexi

PCB lamination issues

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 11:12:16 EST 2007 | davef

Q1. After reflow some boards start producing bumps/bubbles which damage the internal layers causeing PCBs failed in Electrical-testing. How can I eradicate this problem from my assembling process? A1. Find a proper board supplier. Q2. If SMT compon

Water Residue Stains - how to remove?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 02:24:40 EST 2001 | ianchan

Did I mention, we tried to use the same WS flux formulae to brush-cover the affected flex-PCB pads, and subject it to another round of water-wash, followed by oven-baking, and it still doesn't help abit? Oven bake : 100 deg-C, approx 15~30mins (manu

Large Footprint Flex PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 01 07:09:53 EDT 2009 | g2garyg2

Good Morning Here are a few thoughts. When mfg large flex circuits you will need to fixture them to create a stable production environment. As such, the foot print fo the product grows. So you may require systems that can handle 20 inch width by 38 i

Water Residue Stains - use toothpaste remover

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 19:41:27 EST 2001 | ianchan

I called a cuppa of indutrial friends, and they concluded that the flex-PCB in question, was being subject too high a oven-baking temperature of 100deg-C...50~60deg-C oven-baking temperature would be more appropriate for flex-PCB, due to its very pad

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