Electronics Forum: flexa programing (Page 1 of 7)

CirciutCAM for programing mixed line

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 15:30:06 EDT 2005 | nealh

We are currently using CirciutCAM for our documentation and run a Fuji line with a CP643 and an IP2. We are using FujiCam to program. I wouldlike to replace the IP2 with a Mydata My9 and here are my questions. Who out there is using CIrcuitCAM to pr

Fuji Flexa, IP2 pd for connector

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 07:54:26 EDT 2005 | Mark

254 (odd parts) ........ go into the Flexa program and go over the vision number and click on it and than hit F1 for a list of numbers.

Flexa Prog query

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 18 12:14:12 EST 2009 | jdengler

Hi aj, I've never done Flexa programing, but in MCS2 I made it 1C1 for C1 on board 1 and 2C1 for C1 on board 2 etc. I did this in a spread sheet for each board then copy and paste each data set into 1 spreadsheet then saved as text and imported int

pay scale

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 09 11:07:31 EDT 2005 | vikkaraja

I work for a rather large company. what job title do I fit in? My current title is maintanence Tech. III. What do I look for, beacause maintanence is a very broad term. I do fuji Flexa programming, Fuji smt reapair troubleshooting, MPM solder print

Fuji Flexa and Aegis w/ Circuitcam or Unicam w/Assembly Expert

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 10:53:20 EST 2004 | RNH

I have Flexa with the circuitcam interface. Works great for importing cad file into circuitcam and then exporting program into Flexa. I don't use the documentaton side of circuitcam much.

CAM Software

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 11:58:47 EDT 2004 | Mark

Oops I forgot to add the reason for the switch obviosily was the Fuji Flexa and needed for machine programming and CAD support.

SMT programming

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 12:51:39 EST 2016 | scotceltic

Is anyone aware of any easy to use conversion software that will take a current Fuji Flexa SMT program and create an ASM (Siemens) SMT program. I am aware of the 3rd party vendors (Circuitcam by Aegis, Valor etc.) but most of these require most or al

Flexa Prog query

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 18 11:36:37 EST 2009 | aj

Hi all, I have a proto build of 3 cards - the 3 cards are being supplied on the same panel. what is the best way to program this on Fuji Flexa - each card will have a lot of the same references e.g C1 , C2 etc... aj...

Fuji Programming

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 13:25:29 EST 2008 | vikkaraja

What other mehtods are used to make a FUJI programs using FLEXA Software? Simplest way I know is to get a text file with the followings:Part#;X-axis; Y-axis; and Referance Location. Thank You.

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 09:42:49 EDT 2019 | mleclair

I purchased some RS232 breakout board connectors so I'm making the cables now based on the pinout document page 4 (DB9 to DB25) but i'm still getting the message below: "unable to transmit to machine 61700025 Unable to log on to the Machine Communic

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