Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 18 14:01:25 EDT 2004 | KEN
Unfortunately, smt machines are not like TH sequencers. But, that is in their favor. Multiple reels, multiple part types, many positions = very flexible. Offline setup is paramount to line utilization. Remember, you only make money when the machi
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 17 10:04:39 EDT 2004 | stefwitt
I think we should shift this issue to the machine suppliers, requesting changes in the machine design, in order to keep at least the jobs of high mix, low volume in this country. We can only compete with low labor cost countries by increasing the lev
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 07:09:03 EST 1999 | Christopher Lampron
Ron, The simplest way to process fexible PCB's that I have found is to use a process carrier fixture. There are companies that manufacture process carriers that are capable of holding flex through stencil, placement and reflow. The carriers are capab
Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 15:40:56 EDT 2012 | davef
Here's some notes from a Bob Willis presentation Assembly of Flexible Circuits with Lead-Free Solder Alloy [Bob Willis leadfreesoldering.com] * Flexible Circuit Construction ** Base Material - 0.05mm Copper 18/18 um ESPANEX from Holders Technologies
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 13:16:57 EDT 2018 | harlymh
Would you recommend a Yamaha Pick and place? In terms of reliability, accuracy, cph? We're looking for a pick and place that can deliver a 50 micron accuracy. What brands do you recommend for high accuracy placements?
Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 09:59:38 EDT 2007 | burrolaj
I have a L20 pick & place and i was wondering if there is a certain way I have to set-up the feeders.If there is..how do I do it.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 06 11:12:57 EST 2008 | janz
Hello, One of our pick and place machine uses rietschel vaccum pump. It is making lot of noise. I am in searching alternative solution which could be venturi pumps. Does anyone has experince in changing vaccum pump to venturi system.? What should
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 14:26:16 EST 2008 | slthomas
It'll just transfer the load to your compressor, and who knows how efficient your venturi pump (which can also be noisy) will be (IOW, how much load it puts on your compressor is anyone's guess)? I'd just replace or rebuild the vacuum pump, person
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 12:15:32 EST 2000 | Neil
I am looking for a Mydata users group, one possibly located in the Chicago area. If such a group does not exist, I would be more than happy to help start one. I have an older Mydata TP9 (non-UNIX) machine, with weak (yet expensive) support from the m
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