Electronics Forum: flexjet gsm 3 0402 (Page 1 of 2)

Universal GSM and 0402/0201 Placement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 15:46:07 EST 2015 | comatose

We did 0402s for years on a GSM. Is this a flexjet or a 4 spindle head? A flexjet is easy with 0402s. The four spindle nozzles are big, you run into issues with knocking already places parts and having to Z zone carefully (and beware repair cycles.)

GSM2 and FlexJet heads

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 18:52:29 EDT 2010 | edwaterfall01

There is a retrofit kit to take care of the head cable problem that you mention. The s/n with 7P in it represents what is called the 7 Plus level of the head. There was one more level after that (09) for the GSM. The better heads mentioned in the

Ball Deformation Inspection for CSP devices

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 07:15:49 EDT 1999 | SC

I am currently sourcing equipment to mount CSP devices. I have looked at the GSM Flexjet & also the Siemens 80 F series. However these machines only look for ball presence not ball deformation. Panasonic are the only ones who have a 3-D camera capabl


Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 14:45:39 EST 2008 | wrongway

I have an 1 year old advantis with flexjet 3 head I tried using the on the head cameras with little luck using the upward looking cameras and putting the part defanition as a QFP using gull-wing leads mesuring the part as is seem to work best thats w

GSM2 will not zero - Theta1 following error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 08:48:29 EST 2010 | davemacnemo

Machine has 2 FlexJets installed. Working fine until it started giving Theta1 following errors. Machine will not zero. Coincidental (I think) with this, the Low Power Power Supply behind the Power Distribution Panel failed and was rebuilt. It's worki

Universal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 00:25:16 EST 2021 | ttheis

My company has a line with two GSM1 machines. We are planning a second line and considering the Advantis AC-72 or AC-30 models but I have a few questions I was hoping someone could chime in on. 1. Are the GSM feeders capable of being used on the Adv

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 13 08:03:14 EST 2021 | dilogic

I might answer some of your questions: 1 - in order to use old 24V feeders, Advantis needs 24V feeder kit installed. As far as I figured out, it's only 24V transformer and wiring, so I guess you can do it yourselves if the machine is not upgraded

Re: Ball Deformation Inspection for CSP devices

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 07:28:03 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| I am currently sourcing equipment to mount CSP devices. I have looked at the GSM Flexjet & also the Siemens 80 F series. However these machines only look for ball presence not ball deformation. Panasonic are the only ones who have a 3-D camera capa

Re: Ball Deformation Inspection for CSP devices

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 15:15:09 EDT 1999 | J.S.

| I am currently sourcing equipment to mount CSP devices. I have looked at the GSM Flexjet & also the Siemens 80 F series. However these machines only look for ball presence not ball deformation. Panasonic are the only ones who have a 3-D camera capa

Re: Universal FlexJet!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 25 21:46:29 EST 1999 | C4 GSM GURU

| | Hey, all you Pro's out there I am looking for someone that has worked with the Universal FlexJet. We have been Beta testing one for a couple of months now and are having problems with interfacing optimization software with it. I would

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