Electronics Forum: flip-chip machine (Page 1 of 11)

Underfill machine maintenance

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 09:41:12 EST 2005 | Eric C

Thanks for all your inputs. As I read through your responses, and through my research on the web, I have learned there are so many options to try and evaluate. The material we are using is loctite FP4531 - a snap cure flip chip underfill. Loctite ha

Re: flip-chip placer

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 05 08:55:57 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| We are writing to have information about the automatic mounting process of flip-chip. | We want to know if it's possible to mount this type of component(flip-chip) with smt tecnology machines.( Pick and Place Tdk or Samsung machines). | Thanking yo

Re: Flip chip placer

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 15:53:05 EST 1998 | Tom Foley

| I am looking for component placer that can handle not only smc but also flip chip C4. | If there is any machine satisfying my request, please inform me. | machine name , spec, and so on. Take a close look at the Philips ACM. The ACM is engineere


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 12:40:11 EDT 1998 | Aselco electronics

We are writing to have information about the automatic mounting process of flip-chip. We want to know if it's possible to mount this type of component(flip-chip) with smt tecnology machines.( Pick and Place Tdk or Samsung machines). Thanking you in a

Quad Laurier Die Feeder?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 21:11:27 EST 2001 | Frank

Does anyone know if the Quad ASP machine uses a die wafer feeder manufactured by Laurier. I have experience with the Laurier wafer die handlers and thik they really work well. I am thinking about Quad ASP for a flip chip placement machine. Thanks,

Direct Chip Attached & Flip Chip

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 12:30:24 EST 2003 | rboulanger

You can upgrade GSM machines to process flip chips. Yes, you do need special software and nozzles and probably a new camera with more resolution.

Flip chip placer

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 20:08:18 EST 1998 | Chang Woo Cho

I am looking for component placer that can handle not only smc but also flip chip C4. If there is any machine satisfying my request, please inform me. machine name , spec, and so on.

flip chip bonder

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 20:38:30 EDT 1998 | parag

does anyone know what exactly the term "characterization of a machine" means?i need to characterize a flip chip bonder which has the capacity to mount the dies on substrates not more than 2" x 2" size.please respond asap.

Re: flip-chip

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 04 09:39:54 EDT 1998 | jim foley

:I believe it can be easily done using the universal GSM platform. You may want to contact Universal instruments corp. in Binghamton NY for further information. We are writing to have information about the automatic mounting process of flip-chip.

Flip Chip

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 23 11:58:42 EDT 2001 | CAL

I personally like Universals GSM and the Siemens F series for placement machines and companies. Both have great laboratorys set up for Flip Chip processing.Both Also have industry leading experts on staff. Machine info: can they do tacky flux dispen

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