Electronics Forum: flux clean (Page 1 of 208)

When usingnoclean flux or clean flux process?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 09:28:47 EDT 1999 | Jeanjean

Dear All, In order to understand the soldering technologies in SMT, I'd like to understand why some cards are soldered and then cleaned, or only soldered whitout water cleaning nor "ultra sound" wavelength. I mean that I wonder why we use toxic flu

No clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 09:50:01 EDT 2001 | lumidor

Our PCBs manufactured with no clean flux have a waxy film on the board...is this normal? Our contract manufacturer recently switched to no clean from water wash. Thanks Carl

No clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 12:07:53 EDT 2001 | medernach

No clean residues can range in appearance from brownish gunk that looks like tree sap (because it is in some instances) to almost no residue at all. Is this product exposed to a wave soldering process or SMT? I would guess it's a wave process if th

No clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 04 07:38:26 EDT 2001 | hussman

Ummm...Ok? Lumidor, The best thing to do is find out at which process this "wax" is occurring at. Targeting the process that just changed may be presumptuous on your part. Pick up the phone or make a visit. In either case, you're the customer a

No clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 16:22:35 EDT 2001 | davef

Your supplier�s approach to managing process change is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!!! Now, let me get the froth back in my mouth. How in the world do we know if the residues on these "no-clean" boards are compatible with your product? J-STD-001C, para 4

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 07:55:21 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi

we are using heareous F381, F352 no clean solder paste. specially in qfp for high frequency board we observe that cleaing / removing of ' no clean flux 'is require. if we do not clean same most of time after all test & envioumental test it shows pin

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 08:10:39 EDT 2005 | davef

Comments are: * Sounds like it's necessary to clean "heareous F381, F352 no clean solder paste" in your application. Consider a paste that may be better suited to your application. * If you're cleaning "low residue flux", consider using an organic ac

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 08:53:45 EDT 2005 | jh0n!

Wasn't aware of that. We're using a no-clean with RF pcbs, and that's something to bear in mind for the future - thanks.

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 17:19:24 EDT 2005 | Steve Stach

The propensity for flux residues to cause shorts can be increased in humid environments where water molecules hydrate the surfaces. At high frequencies, electrons travel on the surface of conductors/insulators, increasing the likelihood of shorts in

Re: When using noclean flux or clean flux process?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 13:10:10 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Dear All, | | In order to understand the soldering technologies in SMT, I'd like to understand why some cards are soldered and then cleaned, or only soldered whitout water cleaning nor "ultra sound" wavelength. | | I mean that I wonder why we use

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