Electronics Forum: flux dried (Page 1 of 32)

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 09:33:37 EST 1999 | Chrys Shea

| I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | Do you have any contact details with

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 08:11:27 EST 1999 | George Steele

| | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | Do you have any contact detail

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 08:25:31 EDT 1999 | ADRIANO FERNANDES

| | | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | | Do you have any contact

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 21:18:31 EST 1999 | Chris Kelly

Glenn, There are both very good VOC-Free fluxes as well as alcohol based fluxes out there. This should be your primary focus if you are so lucky as to have to opportunity to actually select a flux! The use of nitrogen will benefit any no-clean pro

flux residue after HAL

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 27 20:33:50 EST 2006 | greg york

water alone especially cold is not good enough, how do you check for hasl fluids when most residues left behind after improper cleaning are non ionic. Use 40C saponifier followed by heated rinse then cold rinse then DI rinse followed by dry.Nylon bru

Solder and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 06 05:13:01 EST 2002 | Dreamsniper

Crystalline flux if it is really clear should not be a problem. We were using Amtech paste before and we have the same results. Sometimes we mistakenly see it as a dry joint because of the reflections from the lighting of our Metcal inspection system

flux on PCB's after cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 14:41:41 EDT 2004 | Steve Stach

Dear JSK, It sounds like the root causes of your problem are two fold. First, excessive heat will polymerize the abietic acid found in rosin forming neo-abietic diamers and polymers which are much less soluble than the parent monomer. There are

Low standoff components, flux removal

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 12:07:35 EDT 2016 | pavel_murtishev

Is there any field proven spray cleaning technique able to remove flux residues under OSRAM LEDs? Is it possible in principle? The problem is that OSRAM LEDs are low standoff ones and I absolutely have no idea how cleaning agent could get there. Mo

where to get good flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 03 04:08:20 EDT 2013 | ericrr

Yes well, now we used to add a bit of flux to our leaded paste to make it slightly runny, But when we went to unleaded paste the joker who came in from another company to set the temperature on the oven said "you dont add anything to unleaded paste!.

Water wash flux and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:23 EDT 2017 | georgetruitt

You have a lot to think about! What does the flux manufacturer recommend as far as specifics like water temp or pressure? Do they recommend high temp di-water a detergent or saponifier? Do you currently have a cleaning machine, batch cleaner or inl

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