Electronics Forum: flux residu (Page 1 of 116)

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 15:41:39 EDT 2007 | davef

Bruno The real question about your troop using Kester 951 wave solder flux on boards is: how is the flux applied and controlled. See, when you apply this flux with your wave solder fluxer, it is ideally applied in a metered fashion with your fluxer

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 19 11:51:25 EDT 2007 | rgduval

By definition, no clean solder can be not-cleaned. The solder/flux are formulated to result in low ionic-contamination, hence, no cleaning. I have, however, always had at least one customer that requests their no-clean solder get cleaned. No-clean

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 19 13:57:17 EDT 2007 | Michael Konrad

Hi Rob, I must take issue with your statement �By definition, no clean solder can be not-cleaned�. All no-clean fluxes can be cleaned. Whether or not one cleans no-clean depends on a variety of factors. More than eighty percent of all post reflow

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 19 16:24:53 EDT 2007 | jmelson

Really, if you start out from the beginning planning to clean the boards, then DON'T use the no-clean flux! The way that stuff is made, it leaves a hard, low-solubility residue that takes a LOT of effort to get clean. If you plan to clean, use a wa

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 26 07:41:26 EDT 2007 | bbl

We recently changed to an Amtech no clean paste and flux that is washable. So far excellent results. Far superior to the water soluable paste we were using. Fewer solder balls, longer life in printer, boards can be left up to 5 days and still come

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 08:54:27 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Michael, You're right, of course. A major mis-type on my end. What I meant to say is that no-clean fluxes are designed to not _require_ cleaning to meet industry cleanliness standards. Cheers ..rob

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 11:47:59 EDT 2007 | brulal1

Thank you guys for your help, I do not clean any on my assemblies who are build by the SMT an wave soldering department, we do used liquid fluxes Kester 951 and cored wire keester 245, usually it�s for batteries connector, led, terminal and wire rap

Reduce flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 15:28:10 EST 2007 | CK the Flip

If you are, in fact, running a No-Clean solder paste: Different no-clean solder pastes will leave different types of (benign) residues. If your paste has been qualified from a Bellcore/SIR/Electromigration standpoint, any residues remaining will NO

Reduce flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 12:30:19 EST 2007 | slthomas

Change pastes, although insufficient heating may leave excessive residues. Is this on one board or all products? No Clean or water soluble? Do you profile accurately or "guesstimate" your settings?

flux residue after HAL

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 26 20:11:47 EST 2006 | davef

What is the make-up of the residue? Is finding this residue new to your standard operation? What has changed?

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