Electronics Forum: flux sprayer only spraying one way (Page 1 of 18)

Re: Flux sprayer set up

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 23 22:31:47 EST 1999 | Vincent Chen

Hi!Charlie, 1.Are you retrofitting your spray fluxer in your wave soldering machine? If you are, please ensure that you have a air knife just before the preheater!Fluxe fumes tends to accumulate and that could be dangerous if your air exhaust is not

Solder bridging on one corner of BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 17 11:49:54 EST 2008 | wayne123

HI, I have ran into this a time or two, and what I did before we got the BGA rework station was to run some flux under the component, and since the flux that was in the solder on the other solder joints has at least part of the way burned off in the

Re: The best way to erase flux from the golden fingers?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 20:17:08 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Hey Gyver: Oooow, using a pencil eraser has to take time. I would hate to be the person responding to your customer trying to explain the pencil eraser shreds accidentally left on the board. Awww, just spritz it with DI water and wipe it off with

Removal of No-Clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:34:21 EDT 2001 | Mike Konrad

Hi Jeff, Sean is correct. Although ultrasonic technology will work in post-reflow de-fluxing applications, you will receive concerns regarding ultrasonic �damage� to wire bonded components. Much has been written to combat this belief but the conce

Solder in wave soldering: Which one is the best?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 13:13:25 EST 2005 | russ

ING, you had to nake it difficult didn't ya! It appears that all of your parameters are okay. When you state that "sometimes there is a residue" is it liquidous or dry? Is your spray fluxer an ultrasonic or a spray gun head? You may not be getting

Re: Ghost circuit shorts under smt resisters only when they are located on solder side of pcb (glued down)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 14:14:51 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| | | We are having a process related problem with pullup resistors on a controller card which has a I960 micro-processor. | | | The controller monitors signal inputs and it's own resources then blinks a LED to indicate its working. The problem is th

Re: Ghost circuit shorts under smt resisters only when they are located on solder side of pcb (glued down)

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 25 08:54:37 EDT 1999 | Tom Gervascio

| We are having a process related problem with pullup resistors on a controller card which has a I960 micro-processor. | The controller monitors signal inputs and it's own resources then blinks a LED to indicate its working. The problem is that after

Re: Ghost circuit shorts under smt resisters only when they are located on solder side of pcb (glued down)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 10:25:12 EDT 1999 | Boca

| | We are having a process related problem with pullup resistors on a controller card which has a I960 micro-processor. | | The controller monitors signal inputs and it's own resources then blinks a LED to indicate its working. The problem is that a

SMT Solder paste and wave flux evaluation

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 12:18:32 EST 2005 | Chunks

Your best bet is to do a decision making matrix. Each company has so many different criteria�s it's hard to pick out which one might be important to yours. Simply pick out your top 5 paste manufactures. Next decide what your "Eliminators" are - th

Profiling - suspect flux burn out before reflow trouble shooting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 19:27:54 EDT 2008 | proy

5 Zone HVA70 Oven Board 6 layer, 10" x 13" lots of space, most critical is 100 pin QFP AIM Water Soluble 487 Tin Lead paste on SN100C HASL boards This board is giving me disproportionate grief! I am running 23 in / min which gives me about 3.1 mi

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