Electronics Forum: flux vs resin (Page 1 of 29)

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 16:47:22 EDT 2002 | mick

The residues are from the flux, not adhesive. Do you have flux management system in oven? You also need to check the flux type = can you use low solids. The effect is the same as steam in bathroom - it is cooling affects in exhaust and flux reforming

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 04:48:27 EDT 2002 | surachai

I'm not found this problem with adhesive but found in NC flux , Then you should get some residue and analyse it by SEM and EDX for specify the actual source ( flux or adhesive ? ) , if it 's from adhesive , sometime your supplier must join this pro

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 02:50:49 EDT 2002 | fastek

I hated no-clean for that reason. Yea, the boards are pretty clean and in many cases don't need cleaning but it's not worth it when you consider what it does to your ovens in my opinion. Do water soluable fluxes cause the same havoc in a re-flow?

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 03:14:39 EDT 2002 | lloyd

Thanks for the replys'. So are you saying that SMD adhesive contains a flux agent?, because at this point in the process the boards have no solder on them at all, it's all done at a solder bath after the chips have been bonded.

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 11:34:24 EDT 2002 | carln

Is your exhaust duct connected to a reflow oven that is used for flux? The condensate may be carring over from another oven that shares the same duct.

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 20:57:01 EDT 2002 | davef

We don�t use this glue. What does Heraeus say about your condensate? [I'm With the previous poster. Your condensate sounds like goop from NC flux not glue.] How to clean out a 3 meter length of chimney? Depends on your tolerance for pain * Take

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 10:01:42 EDT 2002 | davef

No. Since most glues don't don't give-up many solids, we're [at least I am] speculating that you are using the same oven for both reflow and glue cure and that the 'slime oozin' out from your TV set' [FZ 'Overnight Sensation']. Ooops, no the slime

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 09:42:56 EDT 2002 | blnorman

I agree with analysis. You'll never accurately find the source until you determine exactly what the "goo" is. We have this problem, but like previous posters, the goo is flux residue. We do use the ovens for both reflow and adhesive cure. The adh

flux dispensing vs flux dipping for Flip Chip

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 12:13:22 EDT 1998 | raymond

What is the pro & con of using flux dispensing vs flux dipping method for flip chip assembly ?

Water-soluble flux vs test socket cleaners?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 22:32:49 EDT 2015 | louisg

Hello. I would like to know the difference (if any) between water soluble flux and test socket cleaners (e.g. for Burn-In Board test sockets). As far as I know, they both remove oxides (tin & copper) with an activator, solvent and surfactants. Tha

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