Electronics Forum: flux with alcohol (Page 1 of 45)

Cleaning OA solder core residues with alcohol

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 20:31:39 EDT 2006 | aespino

Does anybody knows if there is any reaction if I clean OA solder/flux residues using Isopropilic Alcohol? Is there any chemical recomended to clean residues manually instead of using a washing machine.

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 12:59:19 EST 2007 | ck_the_flip

Here are the scenarios: *No-Clean Flux & Foam Fluxer: alcohol is used as a thinner (for titration purposes) if your flux is alcohol-based *No-Clean Flux & Spray Fluxer: alchol is used only as a cleaning agent for your sprayhead.

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 08:18:01 EST 2007 | ck_the_flip

LOL, Samir, you are a riot!

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 12:36:46 EST 2007 | sueph

We recently discovered that the flux thinner we were buying was mostly isopropyl alcohol. What would the consequences be of just using isopropyl for thinner?

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:55:39 EST 2007 | sueph

A supervisor here is concerned that if we quit using thinner to use alcohol and subsequently had soderability problems on a assembly, the customer could come back and say that it was due to the switch. I visited with someone in tech support at Kester

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 14:16:27 EST 2007 | sueph

Sorry, should have said the type of flux we use. It's Kester 186 RMA flux. Does that make a difference?

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 09:11:12 EST 2007 | jeffharley

We have been using IPA for about four years with no problems. We are using it with Metalic Resorces ws710 flux. At quite a cost savings I might add.

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 15:20:59 EST 2007 | russ

WE discontinued using the thinners about 13 years ago, we have not used RMA flux however. The "thinnners" supposedly have some solids content in them to keep A balance but I say B.S. and just use alcohol, we have never experienced any issues whatsoe

Using Isopropyl alcohol as flux thinner

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 18:08:37 EST 2007 | samir

That's when you give that "Supervisor" a tall glass of SHUT THE F*CK UP. I betcha you regret even mentioning it to him. I'd have just made up some techno-babble and switched it regardless. Told him something like - "pure IPA will act as a catlyst

Problem with flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 00:16:56 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

Hello I am having a problem with the flux in the wave solder, I am using a sonoflux 9000 this machine uses a air knife to spray the flux, it creates a mist that when hits the air knife pulls the mist up to the pallet where the board is, but for som

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