Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 20:31:39 EDT 2006 | aespino
Does anybody knows if there is any reaction if I clean OA solder/flux residues using Isopropilic Alcohol? Is there any chemical recomended to clean residues manually instead of using a washing machine.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 12:59:19 EST 2007 | ck_the_flip
Here are the scenarios: *No-Clean Flux & Foam Fluxer: alcohol is used as a thinner (for titration purposes) if your flux is alcohol-based *No-Clean Flux & Spray Fluxer: alchol is used only as a cleaning agent for your sprayhead.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 08:18:01 EST 2007 | ck_the_flip
LOL, Samir, you are a riot!
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 12:36:46 EST 2007 | sueph
We recently discovered that the flux thinner we were buying was mostly isopropyl alcohol. What would the consequences be of just using isopropyl for thinner?
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:55:39 EST 2007 | sueph
A supervisor here is concerned that if we quit using thinner to use alcohol and subsequently had soderability problems on a assembly, the customer could come back and say that it was due to the switch. I visited with someone in tech support at Kester
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 14:16:27 EST 2007 | sueph
Sorry, should have said the type of flux we use. It's Kester 186 RMA flux. Does that make a difference?
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 09:11:12 EST 2007 | jeffharley
We have been using IPA for about four years with no problems. We are using it with Metalic Resorces ws710 flux. At quite a cost savings I might add.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 15:20:59 EST 2007 | russ
WE discontinued using the thinners about 13 years ago, we have not used RMA flux however. The "thinnners" supposedly have some solids content in them to keep A balance but I say B.S. and just use alcohol, we have never experienced any issues whatsoe
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 18:08:37 EST 2007 | samir
That's when you give that "Supervisor" a tall glass of SHUT THE F*CK UP. I betcha you regret even mentioning it to him. I'd have just made up some techno-babble and switched it regardless. Told him something like - "pure IPA will act as a catlyst
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 00:16:56 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero
Hello I am having a problem with the flux in the wave solder, I am using a sonoflux 9000 this machine uses a air knife to spray the flux, it creates a mist that when hits the air knife pulls the mist up to the pallet where the board is, but for som