Electronics Forum: fluxs (Page 1 of 501)

Solder and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 08:40:20 EDT 2002 | davef

Yer not making this easy. What kind of flux? If no-clean flux, what controls are you using to assure you are: * Applying the correct amount of flux? * Properly activating the flux? If water washable flux, talk to us about your cleaning methods and

No-clean paste flux v.s RMA solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 10:25:29 EST 2003 | davef

J-STD-001C, 7.2.1 Flux Application says words to the effect of: When an external flux is used in conjunction with flux cored solders, the fluxes shall be compatible. Regardless of whether these are or not flux cored solders, this begs the question:

Flux thinning

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 09:37:16 EST 2015 | charliedci

We made the same change a year ago, from foam to spray fluxer. One of the reasons we changed, to keep the acid number within specs (foam fluxing) we had to measure once or twice a day and add DI water to make up for evaporation, all along not able to

Flux Pen or Flux Syring

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 08:46:54 EDT 2011 | mbnetto

Hi Everybody, In our process we use syring flux for repair the boards, both SMT and PTH. I would like to know with your experiences what kind of flux is better for SMT and PTH repair, PEN or Syring flux??

Spray fluxer conversion

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 21:25:59 EST 2017 | jandon

SonFlux EZ is not suitable for water SOLUBLE flux. SonoFlux Servo can be equipped with parts that whitstand corrosive water soluble fluxes. SonoFlux Servo was about 19k€ in 2011 (including installation).

What flux are you using for spray/ dropjet (Selective Solder)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 04 02:46:15 EST 2019 | collum

We use the flux Cobar 94-SEL with excellent results. It is a special flux for selective soldering process. When the temperature of the board with flux (preheating or during soldering) reach more 130°C, the rests of flux are deactivated (no more dange


Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 17:54:37 EST 2000 | Steve Harshbarger

Casimir, I have seen exactly what you are experiencing with the Kester 958 on other wave lines. No clean fluxes vary in how much flux residue is visually left behind. These no clean residues are typically not harmful to the PCB, but they are often

BGA rework using Tacky Flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 12:46:45 EST 2006 | james

Also is tacky flux the same as gel flux?

Flux evaluation

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 29 12:27:39 EST 2010 | davef

Flux evaluation * J-STD-004, Requirements for Soldering Fluxes * IPC-A-610, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies


Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 17:02:22 EST 2000 | Morris

One thing I've found that will create that white residue is when moisture comes in contact with that flux. 1. Verify that you are not introducing any moisture with the compressed air supply at the foam fluxer. 2. Replace the flux and clean the flu

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