Electronics Forum: foaming issue with aqueous flux cleaner (Page 1 of 4)

Issue with Batch cleaner Aqueous

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 00:18:19 EDT 2018 | aqueous

Here's a link to an article regarding foam mitigation techniques. It my be helpful. There are many causes of foam. Water alone does not foam. Flux, solubilized in to the water can produce foam. Defluxing additives contain defaming agents which should

Issue with Batch cleaner Aqueous

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 16:18:27 EDT 2018 | stephendo

I may be mistaken but I believe that the solvents have defoaming agents in them. I get less foam when I use the solvent than when I don't. If you dissolve the flux in water and agitate it I believe it will foam. I haven't had any over flow issues w

Issue with Batch cleaner Aqueous

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 20:16:32 EDT 2018 | Mike Konrad

Roberto, So glad the foaming issue was solved! Mike

Issue with Batch cleaner Aqueous

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 15:37:53 EDT 2018 | robertbronx

Hi Everyone!! We have in our Co.Aqueous SMT600-LD In the middle of the cycle a lot of foam even without putting any solvent to wash in the tank. Overflowing everything over the floor. What will be the cause of this? Please if someone can give me an

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 11:29:05 EDT 2016 | jpal

I wanted to bump this up. I am having the same problems. I cannot convince folks it is a solder mask issue and not our process issue, even though it shows up after wave and wash. I can heat the boards and even send them back through the wave preheate

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 14:55:52 EST 2015 | erezah

we received assembled PCBs with spots that look like a bleach spots all over the PS and CS . The board house said that this is normal due to flux aqueous wash process. Can it cause problems (e.g. corrosion ) in the long run or cause issues when wor

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 07:58:54 EST 2015 | erezah

A-610E, 10.7.4 covers solder mask discoloration. > Use that for your disposition > > In a previous > thread, Boardhouse told us "Here are a couple of > things that can affect color. * Material color > is the major, * Matte green from Enthone wou

Issue with Batch cleaner Aqueous

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 00:11:42 EDT 2019 | icewolf

What temperature were you running it at previously? We are having the same issue when using WS488 flux. Which flux was causing you issues?

Issue with Batch cleaner Aqueous

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 07:30:01 EDT 2018 | robertbronx

Hi, Stephen. Thank you for the feedback. I want update my situation with the batch cleaner. I fallow all the suggestions that I received and I find out that; the water temperature was the reason. I raised to 150*F Regards Roberto

Issue with Batch cleaner Aqueous

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 07:31:44 EDT 2018 | robertbronx

Hi, Michael. Thank you for the feedback. I want update my situation with the batch cleaner. I fallow all the suggestions that I received and I find out that; the water temperature was the reason. I raised to 150*F Best Regards Roberto

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