Electronics Forum: for aircraft (Page 1 of 1)

Adaptable PCB support systems for use in pick and place machines?

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 01 02:30:23 EDT 2015 | sarason

You could take a piece of aircraft grade aluminium, and machine you own. the advantage is you can set it up so you don't have to do any height compensation when you swap between a normal board, and your custom assembly sarason

Solder Paste for Thermal Cycling application (-40 to 150 Degree Celcius)

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 03 03:28:16 EDT 2019 | alexeyzb

We use SNPb for such applications (PCBA for aircraft). We tried SAC305 but recieve no good quality, so now only SNPb. If you will find good solution - please write. Because now we have some problems with BGA - no SNPb balls. And need to reball (addit

Adaptable PCB support systems for use in pick and place machines?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 14:56:27 EDT 2015 | sarason

Adding to my previous message this could be solved fairly easily for the general case with a jig made from 3.2 - 4mm aluminium aircraft grade plate. you would machine the bottom side edges to give a 1.6 mm thickness, then machine the top side to leav


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