Electronics Forum: fotos panasonic mv2f xl (Page 1 of 1)

Panasonic Panasert MV2F model NM-2858/NM-2859

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 15:56:21 EST 2007 | jasont

NM-2858 is European style M size MV2F. NM-2859 is European style XL size MV2F. MV2F is manufactured rated at 0.1sec per placement however, I have only seen them acheive around 20-25,000 cph I have x2 MV2F-XL "Q" in stock (NM-2559MB) w/feeders. IF

Looking for Panasonic equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 21:39:18 EDT 2000 | Rick Flayler

I'm trying to locate and purchase one or two Panasonic lines configured as follows: MV2F (LL) or (XL) size. Prefer "K" style with feeders. MPA-V (XL) size. Rick Flayler- Fastek www.fastek-smt.com


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