Electronics Forum: fr4 life cycle (Page 1 of 27)

Prifiling Board life cycle

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 04 09:44:59 EST 2008 | philkaz

Hello, I am Philip Kazmierowicz and I work with KIC, a Thermal Profiling company. We have done many lifetime experiments on Printed Circuit Boards over the years. The key thing to understand is that if the primary material of the board in FR4 fiber

Prifiling Board life cycle

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 24 19:12:06 EST 2007 | adamben10

I'm shadowing an old posting posted by Odor back in March 2002. Any Expert out there, if you have good answer to the below questions, please dive in...Thanks in advance. 1) Does anybody have done the profiling board life time experiment? 2) The prof

Prifiling Board life cycle

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 04 14:21:35 EST 2008 | ck_the_flip

If all your doing is trying to measure oven repeatability, but then you wanna do it a bunch of times, have a profiling "board" constructed out of say... delmat, delrin, or some other glastic-type pallet material. Have the T/C's permanently fastene

Profiling Board life cycle

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 27 16:47:58 EST 2007 | davef

Hey guys and gals: Didn't we have a thread on a topic similar to this recently? Didn't someone from one of the profiler supplier companies post the results of some study that they performed? We can't find it in the fine SMTnet Archives. Unfortunatel

Solder paste life cycle inside incubator

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 15:48:20 EDT 2006 | Chunks

No longer than when it starts to cause defects unacceptable to company goals and/or objectives.

Solder paste life cycle inside incubator

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 15:26:56 EDT 2006 | Ben Jong

HI, I had a question for very generalise questionires from my Kitting dept with very usual enquiries prompting me that : For the after open seal solder paste tube later kept inside storage, how long that half way use solder paste can be still conside

Stencil life

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 01:22:41 EDT 2018 | buckcho

Hello, the colleagues are all right. What I did in addition to show customers and quality that we either need or dont need a stencil: 1. Made a procedure - in there i defined 50 000 cycles and then the stencil has to be checked by me. In the checks

Stencil life

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 00:41:03 EDT 2018 | smt2020

Hey man, can you please suggest what you do for traceability system to count cycles of the stencil. Is there any special setup for that or just a Excel sheet with formulas.?

Stencil life

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 07:56:54 EDT 2018 | cyber_wolf

Never heard of any traceability requirements for stencil cycles. The SPI machine should be the judge of how your print process is performing.

Stencil life

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 01:49:51 EDT 2018 | buckcho

Traceability can be made for many things. It is up to the factory and what it wants to implement. You can have traceability on the stencil for a several reasons: 1. Want to check stencil cycles 2. Want to verify if stencil is the correct one loaded 3

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