Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 10:08:51 EDT 2006 | russ
We use materials such as G10, durapol, or FR4. We put a lot of holes in the fixtures so that only enough material is left to support the board during reflow to prevent sag/ warp or whatever. We also try and keep all bot side material in unpopulated
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 08 19:52:54 EST 2004 | Ken
I have processed the following materials in lead free processes: CEM FR1 FR4-120 FR4-140 FR4-170 Each material has different responses to thermal stresses. Issues to consider are: Panel size, smt only, wave only, double sided smt...and smt / wave
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 13:12:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis
You may care to review the following from my Circuits Assembly page on line. "HOW FLAT IS FLAT AND DO WE NEED FLAT CIRCUIT BOARD, YES WE DO ? As production problems go there is one that keeps reoccurring time and time again. The blame is usually di
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 18 09:03:57 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| Problem occurs because the glass transition temp for FR4 is lower than reflow temperature. Our company wrote an article which was printed in SMT magazine some years ago | that deals with this exact subject. Best way to deal with this is to use a ce
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 18:58:27 EST 2007 | Mike F
Normally someone would have replied to tell you to do a search of the archives. I've read at least 4 or 5 different threads dealing with baking out PWB's, but none were for this special material. First, have you contacted the manufacturer of the PW
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 14:41:07 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Handb
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 11:27:12 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| | Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Han
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 15:37:50 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection H
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