Electronics Forum: fuji %7fcssx0030 screw cover (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji CP-6 Feeder Maintenance Programs

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 11:41:16 EDT 2007 | cyber_wolf

The newer style feeder carts from Fuji are the best I've seen. It is impossible to screw the tape covers up with the newer style racks.

Love my old Fuji - but it's making some noise now

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 05 02:56:25 EDT 2006 | bvdb

Thanks Grant and Doug, The manuals never tell you that you can pull the leadscrew covers back - but thanks to your suggestion I was able to access the lead-screw. It didn't look bad at all and had some lubrication on it. I added some more lubricat

Fuji CP3 Tape Leaf Sensor

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 25 02:46:18 EDT 2009 | smellew

FYI SME offers a replacement Tape leaf detection system which covers the whole range of FUJI CP4-CP7 machines.its also very reasonably priced. It doesn't use Fibre Sensors or mirrors. it only has 1 adjustment which is height via Eccentric screw. even

TM12 Feeder problem for MYDATA TP9-UPF

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 01:04:20 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

Guys I need help!!! Today I was cleaning the TM12 feeder and by accident I took out a screw that is on the side in a place that looks... well it looks like a teddy bear, I heard something falling inside of the feeder and now the screw does not thigh


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