Electronics Forum: fuji 0402 (Page 1 of 11)

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 13:21:47 EST 2006 | cyber_wolf


0402 feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 08:27:54 EDT 2006 | aj

Machine is Fuji CP6

Fuji CP4 & 0402

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 10:33:53 EST 2008 | aj

Thanks Jerry.

Fuji CP4 & 0402

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 09:20:44 EST 2008 | aj

Thanks for reply, So do you use 1.3 or the 0.7 nozzle for 0603 components ( I suppose trial & error will tell me). aj...

0402 Component Placement

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 12:39:27 EDT 1999 | Jim Trent

Is it possible to place 0402 components with a Fuji CP2? How about a CP4? What are the suggestions for 0402 machine placement? Any help would be appreciated.

Re: 0402 Component Placement

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 17:56:56 EDT 1999 | Mark Deren

| Is it possible to place 0402 components with a Fuji CP2? How about a CP4? What are the suggestions for 0402 machine placement? | | Any help would be appreciated. |

Re: 0402 Component Placement

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 21:59:01 EDT 1999 | KEVIN SIMPSON

| Is it possible to place 0402 components with a Fuji CP2? How about a CP4? What are the suggestions for 0402 machine placement? | | Any help would be appreciated. |

Glue on 0402 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 10:56:07 EST 2009 | dcell_1t

0402 will be glued on a fuji GL

Fuji CP4 & 0402

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 05:42:21 EST 2008 | aj

Hi all, Is anyone out there placing 0402 with a CP4? Not sure how reliable it would be and also how do work around the nozzle setup ? we currently have 2.5mm ,1.3mm & 1.0mm so do you remove say 6 x 2.5mm and put in 0.7mm. Any replies appreciated.

Fuji CP4 & 0402

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 09:34:54 EST 2008 | jdengler

In the PD for 0603 I have a min size of 0.7mm and a max size of 1.0mm and the CP4 size at 0.0mm. This way when you have 1.0mm nozzles in the machine it will use that and when you change them to 0.7mm it will use that. Both sizes work OK. -Jerry

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