Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 08:12:50 EDT 1998 | Rick I.
we currently have a siplace line(80s/f) and are inhereting a fuji line from another site. I need an objective comparison between the two. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the fuji with regard to programming, operating and maintenance. any cav
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 12 07:00:48 EDT 1998 | Jim McCarten
Which Fuji Machines? | we currently have a siplace line(80s/f) and are inhereting a fuji line from another site. I need an objective comparison between the two. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the fuji with regard to programming, operating
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 09:01:46 EDT 1998 | Al Carrillo
| we currently have a siplace line(80s/f) and are inhereting a fuji line from another site. I need an objective comparison between the two. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the fuji with regard to programming, operating and maintenance. any c
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 18:35:18 EDT 1998 | phillip hunter
| we currently have a siplace line(80s/f) and are inhereting a fuji line from another site. I need an objective comparison between the two. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the fuji with regard to programming, operating and maintenance. any c
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 11 16:18:45 EDT 2008 | markhoch
We purchase our Biral T&D, Visco Grease, and NMT (No Melt) Grease from: Biral USA P.O. Box 878 McLean TX, 79057 ph (806)779-2700 fax (806)779-2543 Hope this helps!
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 23:12:09 EST 2000 | Brad
Chris, Have you considered Fuji? The robustness of Fuji is proven. I have recently done floor space analysis and cost per placement/sqr foot studies. I have also performed ROI studies on these machines. The new CP7 machine from Fuji outperforms th
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 27 19:00:52 EST 2000 | Christopher Noonan
When the are up and running they are hard to beat, but when they go down they go down hard. Keep field service close. Don't get me wrong they're great machines and the company I used to work for had some of the first machines available. I come fro
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 01 15:52:13 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| From several months I am investigation about the VOIDS PERSENCE and his important as reliability. | One question now is : | It is possible that on the BGA components the voids are already present into the balls, before the mounting on the pcb ? | I
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 18 12:29:51 EST 2009 | cyber_wolf
Fuji will be glad to sell it to you for $75.00 a can.....Yikes
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 09:43:38 EST 2005 | russ
Can't help you with the machine, but have you considered stencil printing? I have found that this seems to be a better (more repeatable) process than the dispensers I have used in the past (FUJI).