Electronics Forum: fuji cp 642 station 19 nozzle error (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji CP642 Station 17 Help

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 23:45:22 EDT 2010 | dman97

I have a CP642 machine that always gives me a Station 17 or Station 19 nozzle error when the machine selects the 2.5mm 3.7mm or 5.0mm nozzles. It always throws an unknown nozzle station 17 error after all the heads have switched to the above mention

Fuji CP642 Station 17 Help

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 11 21:10:27 EDT 2010 | fujiphil

First, check the sensors for 17th and 19th station....tune the sensor amplifier if necessary. Then, check the dogs on the nozzle holders... If the above, items are ok... check the 13th station clutch engagement. Calibrate if necessary... fujiphil

CP6 Maintenance

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 21:30:38 EST 2006 | daxman

Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum. I just got back into an SMT career after a 4 year break, and it feels good to be back. Anyways, I'm doing some maintenance work with a Fuji CP-645. It has a few problems that I am currently unable to isolate, a


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