Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 22:52:32 EDT 2003 | hwatali
Now we are in urgent to buy 1.FUJI CP6-4000 or CP6-5000 for 3 sets;2.FUJI CP643E for 2 sets;3.CP6 8��2 and CP6 8��4 paper feeder. If you can supply these to me,pls contact me asap.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 06:28:47 EDT 2013 | mdang
I would like to get a copy of the CD for Fuji CP643E which has all manual & information on the machine? If you have it, please let me know. Thanks, -Michael
Electronics Forum | Sat May 21 07:23:38 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi
We do face problem in CP643E, - Vision system alarm & later machine require to turn off. This problem ocurrs once in a week ( average ) Checked up Fuji along with trace data but could not able to get any solotion. Any recommondation. ajay doshi
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 10 00:06:44 EDT 2006 | saiwong
Fuji GP 641 is really a bad choice. Bulky, heavy, accuracy is bad. At the price that you purchased, why don't you get the Dek infinity, Horizon or even a MPM UP 2000 HiE. You paid sky high price of this printer. The market value no more than $2k. At
Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 22:30:36 EDT 2005 | Frank
Hi all, I am trying to solve a problem with a CP643E any help on it please,It stop during production on an error for (Outside Target Position). Cheers Frank
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 29 12:01:32 EST 2011 | jts142
hi i am having problems with a cp 643 when i run in auto it errors unloading a board with the x axis servo interlock error but if i hit sequence end stop so that it stops after every board it runs and unloads perfectly. Any hints or suggestions we ha
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 21 17:27:02 EST 2001 | jollyrodger
HELP...... I have recently taken on the post of line technician at my place of work. I require as much information as you can give me on all SMT processes. We work with Fuji CP643E, Philips FCM, Dek 265, Universal GSM, BTU Paragon ovens. All infor
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 09 14:20:17 EDT 2006 | greatexpectations
Hi, This setup was recommended. Target is 20,000 board output per day FUJI GL-541 Glue Dispenser (USED) 32K FUJI GL 641 SCREEN PRINTER (USED) 57K CP-643E CHIP SHOOTER 255K (150 FEEDERS) FUJI QP-242E IP3 110K REFLOW 8 ZONE (IS THIS ANY GOOD) 4
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 10:05:17 EDT 2004 | exmaintenanceleader
Hi Grant, I'm ex Fuji service engineer I install also at Sagem Czecz Republik (Kladnow near Prague) in 2000 they use at new lines MPM- 2XCP643E and 1xUniversal GSM (French owen (I do not remember the exacly tipe) at second hand line they use 2x and
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