Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 14:00:39 EST 2018 | magergar
I have a problem with my fuji machine, it was working and then this error code appear: INTL SRV creation error Error Code:12037A20 and this shows every time on boot and doesn't let me do anything. what should I check?
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 06 22:35:56 EST 2018 | 3l3ctro
any updates on this?
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 14:55:13 EST 2018 | cyber_wolf
In my experience that error almost always indicates a bad amplifier.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 18:44:43 EST 2018 | magergar
At boot there is an alarm that I can't get rid off Servo Alarm FRQ AXIS Servo Overflow I tried to calibrate it in mecha mode but the same error doesn't let me, it's there something I can do?
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 19:07:36 EST 2018 | magergar
I have changed the FRQ Amplifier with the FQ amp that has the same parameters and the error persist, the Zero Setting Sensor and the Clutch Origin sensor are working too. Any other posibility?
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 23:00:07 EST 1998 | David Lombard
| | Thanks for your reply. | | I am interested in knowing about maintenance schedules and levels. I'm wondering how to know if I must replace a part. What part? What type of lubrication (for Fuji). Etc. | | My company is small in terms of number of
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 12:21:53 EST 1998 | phillip hunter
| Thanks for your reply. | I am interested in knowing about maintenance schedules and levels. I'm wondering how to know if I must replace a part. What part? What type of lubrication (for Fuji). Etc. | My company is small in terms of number of lines
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 15:40:37 EDT 2014 | kojotssss
Hello. Could you send me a CP6.IP3 PDF.files manuals ?! Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 00:07:48 EDT 2014 | beneyhan
Hi, bro, i have some CP6.IP3 PDF.files. send your email to me. Thanks! Han
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 12:15:12 EDT 2015 | dlee87
Hi! Han I hear you have CP6 feeder file, will you help send me one please! Daniel Le ESC Maintenance Tech d.le@electronic-source.com