Electronics Forum: fuji cp6 0402 (Page 1 of 46)

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 13:21:47 EST 2006 | cyber_wolf


Please help! looking for cp6 fuji feeder!

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 17:47:50 EDT 2010 | smtmax

I'm looking for CP6 fuji feeder. 16mm x 12mm (KO=8.3mm) 24mm x 20mm (KO=10.9mm) Please help! Thanks!

0402 feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 08:27:54 EDT 2006 | aj

Machine is Fuji CP6

Fuji cp6 re-reading fiducials

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 01:29:07 EDT 2005 | matjen

We are using Fuji-Flexa software and we are not sure where to go in the software to check the proper data. If anyone has Fuji-Flexa software and could direct us in the right direction please let me know. Thanks.

Fuji cp6 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 10:38:51 EDT 2015 | cyber_wolf

The published Fuji CP6 placing accuracy specification is plus/minus .1mm I would say that your machine is running just fine.

cp6 missing small parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 03:34:50 EST 2006 | chadnugent79

If you are sure that your part data is correct, have you checked the calibration of Z origin? Are the parts leaving an impression on the paste or is there no indication of an attempted place. How small of resistors are we talking 0402, 0603, 0805?

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 09:05:38 EDT 2005 | jdengler

Try http://www.smtresearch.com/ But the price is not much cheaper than new ones.

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 19:25:02 EDT 2005 | matjen

I found a place that exchanges old nozzles for new ones; thanks for the inputs though.

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 30 10:11:47 EDT 2005 | Stefan

Here is another one: http://www.cotinc.com/product_range.htm

Fuji cp6 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 07:26:20 EDT 2015 | linux

Think you right, not enough to be worried about. Thanks for all your help.

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