Electronics Forum: fuji cp6 24x8mm feeder (Page 1 of 10)

Please help! looking for cp6 fuji feeder!

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 17:47:50 EDT 2010 | smtmax

I'm looking for CP6 fuji feeder. 16mm x 12mm (KO=8.3mm) 24mm x 20mm (KO=10.9mm) Please help! Thanks!

Re: fuji machin

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 11:33:38 EDT 1999 | Malcolm Montanjees

| | fuji gp, cp642e, ip3 and other | | Dear Sir, please explain what you mean by GP, are you referring to Fujiu GSP printers? if so, what models are you looking for. We have GSP3-5000 and GSP3-4000 avaiable for immedate sale at $25,000 each. FOB Nor

Re: fuji machin

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 18:08:29 EDT 1999 | M Cox

| | | fuji gp, cp642e, ip3 and other | | | | Dear Sir, please explain what you mean by GP, are you referring to Fujiu GSP printers? if so, what models are you looking for. We have GSP3-5000 and GSP3-4000 avaiable for immedate sale at $25,000 each. F

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 09:59:24 EST 2006 | sigmasmt

This is for CP6 feeders? What is the smallest componet run on this machine(0402,0603)?

Fuji CP6 feeder manual request

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 12:15:12 EDT 2015 | dlee87

Hi! Han I hear you have CP6 feeder file, will you help send me one please! Daniel Le ESC Maintenance Tech d.le@electronic-source.com

Fuji CP6 feeder manual request

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 00:07:48 EDT 2014 | beneyhan

Hi, bro, i have some CP6.IP3 PDF.files. send your email to me. Thanks! Han

Fuji CP6 feeder manual request

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 15:40:37 EDT 2014 | kojotssss

Hello. Could you send me a CP6.IP3 PDF.files manuals ?! Thanks.

Fuji CP6 feeder manual request

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 08:51:29 EDT 2014 | sumote

I don't want to step on Han's toes here. If he does not send them to you, then let me know and I will send you the ones he sent me.

Fuji CP6 feeder manual request

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 14:13:34 EDT 2015 | sumote

dlee87, I sent a zip file to the address provided. I hope you find what you need. Let me know if I can help further.

Fuji CP6 feeder manual request

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 11 16:24:12 EDT 2014 | sumote

Does anyone have a copy of the feeder repair/maintenance for the CP6 and IP3 feeders? I need the ones that have exploded views with part numbers. I have had them in a previous life so I know they exist. If someone has a pdf file they could sen

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