Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 17:19:59 EDT 1999 | Kevin Hussey
Hi Boys and Girls, I've been given the "task" to turn off the nitrogen in our reflow ovens. I am using the BTU, TRS series ovens, each with eight zones. Also, I have a couple of new BT Paragon ovens with 10 zones. We currently are running Qualite
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 16:29:17 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | Dearest Jennifer, | | | | Ooooops! Forgot which one I was writing - please forgive me. Ah yes, SMT and you, you see even we don't get it right. If you combined all our answers, you would get close - as close as when we get frustrated. | | | | A
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 19:28:35 EST 1999 | Michael Allen
Actually, the capability does exist, even on chip shooters w/ feeder carriages. We've been using Sanyo's cassette feeder on their turret machine (TCM3500) for over a year with 0603 caps. I don't know about Fuji or Panasonic. | I'm not sure I'm off
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