Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 23:49:32 EST 1998 | Thomas Clift
I am currently in the process of rebuilding and maintaining a never-ending supply of tape-feeders for Fuji CPIII and IPII (Fuji and Hover-Davis). I have seen the videos and am not having all that much trouble, but I would like to compare notes with s
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 10:28:35 EDT 2022 | sophyluo1985
www.goldlandsmt.com GOLDLAND are FUJI experts, if you have any questions about FUJI, you can ask them. You can write to my colleagues: quinnsmt@gmail.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 11:08:08 EDT 2017 | emeto
Here are the basics for theta issues in teaching: 1. CAD part library should match machine part library orientation. 2. If your placement orientation is correct and your feeding orientation(orientation in your feeder) is correct, there should be no
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 07 13:48:21 EDT 2022 | omar08
Hi guys, I have NXT3 Fuji machine with Head H24. I need to do IPS adjustment brightness , so please explain to me what is IPS ,What is the value GR,GL,GT, how to do IPS adjustement1 and adjustement2. Thank you for all.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 20:18:06 EDT 2022 | tey422
FYI, I am not familiar with the Fuji machines, but I found something that might help able to answer your question. http://www.gladsmt.com/smt-solution/525.html
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 10:26:02 EDT 2017 | swag
Yea, I always liked to program the way it physically sits in the feeder then rotate as needed in placement. Make sure rotation in feeder is 0 as well or you'll really get confused. Some machine mfg's recommend otherwise but it never made sense to m
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 16:29:54 EDT 2010 | dilogic
I am trying to locate procedure for PWC calibration/adjustment on GSM1/2 machines (after moving feeder plate), but can't find it in the manuals. I would appreciate if somebody can give me a hint... - Deni
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 18 09:36:43 EDT 2017 | alexeis
Hi, I suggest to check a way that a component is on the feeder. Same component manufacture can produce a component with different rotation. Best Regards, Alexei Find solution on our website: http://www.proventustech.com
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 14:35:41 EDT 2017 | deanm
In trying to have things run smoothly with placement, I have to do a lot of theta adjustment to get the rotation right during placement. Even if the part looks good on the PnP machine screen sometimes it places differently than what is shown. If I u
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 18 05:46:07 EDT 2017 | spoiltforchoice
As Evitomov says, provided you check everything is setup correctly there should be no issue. There can be some variation between manufacturers as to how they package certain components. For example 2512 resistors are usually in 12mm tape with a 4mm s