Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 17:31:57 EDT 2022 | kojotssss
Hi, Fuji flexa V6.28.0 Medit V21.4.0 Pay attention: Fuji flexa soon will be end of support, Nexim will be.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 12:29:55 EDT 2022 | ludo
hello, I am looking for information on new versions of Director fujiflexa and Medit. currently for Medit I am in version 18,4,0,13 and for Director fuji flexa I am in version 6,23,0,2 Is there a newer software version?
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 05:59:23 EDT 2022 | ludo
Thank you very much for this information.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 12:51:39 EST 2016 | scotceltic
Is anyone aware of any easy to use conversion software that will take a current Fuji Flexa SMT program and create an ASM (Siemens) SMT program. I am aware of the 3rd party vendors (Circuitcam by Aegis, Valor etc.) but most of these require most or al
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 08:36:10 EDT 2004 | Mark
Just jump into Fuji Flexa cause its the latest and from what I have used of it very simple to use.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 23 00:20:22 EST 2016 | jlawson
Program conversion bewteen the two can be done , with a custom program. Issue is at what value as most simple conversions will be file based - and placement level NC data only. Part Shapes are where all the work is and if you want to convert part l
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 03:26:58 EST 2016 | sarason
My program PCBSynergy generates over 80 SMT formats. Unfortunately it only does the Siemens *.NC format at the moment. If you send me a copy of the format and the CAD file or the XYR file in a spreadsheet, which generated it. I can easily add it, esp
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 15 06:32:03 EDT 1998 | Process Engineer
| We just have a use cp4 .I have a problem on transfering data between cp3 to cp4 .when I use the data for cp4 I can't have parts in correct location. Is that normal? or it's because that has a different vision system.if so.how can i do with it.the d
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 15 10:37:58 EDT 1998 | Ben Salisbury
| | We just have a use cp4 .I have a problem on transfering data between cp3 to cp4 .when I use the data for cp4 I can't have parts in correct location. Is that normal? or it's because that has a different vision system.if so.how can i do with it.the
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 17:43:46 EST 1998 | Guillermo Villegas
Does anybody know how to update a different nozzle than the standard one on a Fuji IP3 machine? I want to use a 15.8 mm height nozzle, but the limit on height size is 10 mm for IP3.I know, I need to use a special nozzle, so I�m trying with a 16.00 m