Electronics Forum: fuji ip3 mtu pusher (Page 1 of 4)

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 19:12:41 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

Hello all ! FUJI IP3 starts up, makes zero setting OK But if I start AUTO mode, it gives error -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code 11082010 UsedBy MTU3,MTU4,MTU5 Display Usable Proper Data has

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 21:42:19 EDT 2023 | jdengler

The MTU has it's own proper data file. You need to send that to the MTU.

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 06:10:36 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

Thanks ! I totally forgot that MTU had its own prop file, uploaded it from Flexa and now works fine.

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 24 13:08:09 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

All is OK now. The machine was offline couple months and probably some memory battery is dead. All problems were solved after uploading prop data to IP and MTU.

Re: FUjJI IP-3 / MTU4 proper measurement tricks

Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 15:25:07 EDT 1998 | Timm Rose

FUJI has a calibration tool for measuring the tray pick possition for the IP-3 machine. The part number is QPJ-1061


Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 10:00:57 EDT 2012 | jimmyboz

The IP3 AND the MTU4 each have a proper. From the main menu "editor-proper" and type "new" it will then ask which machine. After that, you should be good to go.


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 16 01:29:11 EDT 2012 | dman97

I have a very odd problem with my Fuji IP3 and was wondering if anyone can help. Any part that gets picked from the MTU will fail vision recognition. After turning on the vision trace data, I can see that the IP3 is looking for the part to be rotat

Servo Alarm on FUJI IP-2 (MTU unit)

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 16 08:36:45 EDT 2005 | ajay

check some relay might be bad on MTU. we faced similar problem in IP3.


Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 23:22:44 EDT 2000 | Micah Newcomb

Jerry, Contact FujiAmerica and ask for their newest product Guide. Some differences are..... IP2 - SMD1 vision (back lighting only, coplanarity check optional) IP3 - SMD3 vision (back, front, coplanarity check optional) IP3 - BGA transport, I

Fuji IP3 MTU carrier is dropping parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 05 16:58:00 EDT 2022 | jdengler

When these old Fuji's do weird things I usually try a reset start. Many times that fixes the issue. Make sure you have a valid proper file before you try it. Jerry

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