Electronics Forum: fuji ip3 y axis linear scale (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji IP3 alarm x1 axis

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 13:31:11 EDT 2013 | bpk

could be the linear encoder giving problem or dirty, maybe try using some cleaner and insert slightly into the yellow ribbon and spray along the x axis, try not to insert to deep and come in contact with the linear hidden inside. After reboot and zer

IP3 X1 Encoder Alarm

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 22:19:05 EST 2008 | ashley

hello Keith, the problem may be related to a faulty / dirty linear scale. kindly check on the yellow strip along the X axis. clean & clear the glass linear scale of debris & grease. for Fuji support & spare parts, please write to :- apexservice@

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 22:56:13 EDT 2005 | Alan.

Dave, it could be that you have some dirt or grease on the linear scale for the X-axis. Try getting into the rubber shield with a soft brush or perhaps a spray. Threebond Super Cleaner 6602 is very good for this purpose as it cleans and dries w

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 15:30:28 EDT 2005 | Dave

Hi Jerry, I thought the same so tried running other programs that are known to work on the IP-3 but still no joy. I shall try Alan's suggestion with cleaning the linear scale and see what happens. Thanks!

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 11:12:08 EST 2007 | jaimebc

I've had experienced this issues here with our GSM's Flex heads. Try this: 1.- Clean your linear scales with alcohol and a lint free cloth. Both the X and Y. This one has fixed the majority of our errors when one of the heads just stops for no apare


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 09:59:44 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Hello, This is from my old documents....hope it helps. I would first try mod code 53 = 2 first.....if the machine is a 2C. The motor was known for causing this problem after getting old. These are all resolutions for motor error 4. Step Potential P

Re: IP3 QFP Problems - Has anybody had the same probs?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 05 22:40:40 EDT 2000 | Dean

...well, if I had Fuji in on 4 occasions and the problem is not resolved I would wonder what exactly I paid for... Here is what I would do. 1. Run the glass plate program. This will eliminate variables in your production parts and boards. Additi

Mis-alignment Headaches

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 23:28:59 EDT 2006 | donb

Hi All, I have a continuing problem here with mis-alignment of parts on one of our Fuji CP-3 machines and I thought one of you esteemed engineering types may be able to give me a clue as to where the problem might lie. I have a Fuji trained enginee

Re: placement of 8 ml smt components

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 17:10:00 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hi Tim, 8-mil huh? Boy, that's getting down there...you know, placing 8-mil is one thing, but printing solder paste on 8-mil pitch is another. Most of the time when I've seen 8-mil pitch on a board it's been attached with hot-bar...but I guess

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:05:25 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

Flason SMT chip mounter Reflow Ovens: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-assembly-line-equipment-SMT-spare-parts-Dek-Motor-188962.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-Conveyor-for-LED-Production-Line-SMT-Assembly-Line.html http://www.flason-


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