Electronics Forum: fuji np 153 (Page 1 of 2)

Fuji NP-133 and Universal Flex Jet

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 22:23:09 EDT 1999 | wil allen

We are currently looking into purchasing either a Fuji NP or Universal Flex jet machine. Does anybody have any feedback from running these machines in a production environment? I now that a limited number of each machine has been released so far.

Large Board Assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 14:42:18 EDT 2001 | Doug Sanders

Dan, Fuji has the NP XL series that will allow 27 by 23 inche boards using a conveyor.

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 19:20:57 EDT 2004 | faiton

If you think the FCM is the fastest machine then may be you need to research again. Compare the FCM speed to the NP, you will see which one is faster. Anyway, I do like the gantry a lot, but for high volume, gantry still have no match with turret.

CP5 users...

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 02 22:39:42 EDT 2006 | marcelll

I worked several years with CP5. This is the worst product ever built by Fuji ( with NP ). Stay away from it !!!!!!!

Look what I found - is this stencil printer a known product?

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 22 21:55:14 EDT 2006 | jgarver1

Fuji has the NP Series machine that is capable of 23" x 27" boards. I know Mydata can also run large boards, but I don't have the specs.

SMT Fuji MCS30

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 18:57:52 EST 2022 | rdssmt

Hi, I bought a monitor and when connect it to the MCS30 this appears on the screen. I send a Photo but I write the information. 0 004 053 FDX $Dwwwwwwwwwwwqwwwwwwwwwwwwqwwwwwwwwwwwqwwwwwwwwwwqwwwwwwww%pqSSS$%@$D %$ JNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNnGGGGGGGGG


Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 30 09:03:55 EDT 2005 | davef

Pick and place: * Fuji: The largest pcb size is 20" by 18" for pick and place; 18"x14" for chip shooters. * MYDATA has machines that can be configured to 34" X 44" X 0.500" * Fuji has the NP XL series that will allow 27 by 23 inch boards using a con

Re: You choose: F4G or MCS-30

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 17:15:03 EDT 1999 | Mike H

| Just curious as to everyones thoughts on if you could chose to use F4G or an MCS-30. Which would you chose and why? | | | Larry J | |Larry, depending to your Fuji machines, if you are using any new machines like QP1 or QP2 and any other ones li

FUJI CP743 anyone???

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 24 14:19:50 EDT 2001 | CAL

Fuji has always had stable machines CP,IP,Qp machines are true Fuji Form.I would shy away from the NP series though (for now). What I have found with Fuji - once it goes down it is down hard (Not taking the part shipped in from Japan into considerati

Stencil Printers

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 04 07:30:50 EST 2003 | ex maintain leader

Hi Grant, I'm ex Fuji Service Engineer, Fuji GP 6xx is the best but for companies in ultra high tech (2 side cleaning+ long life operating, BUT not easy to teach the technicians). Ask Panasert create series is also well durable, but I newer use yust

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