Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 07:49:19 EDT 2008 | grantp
Hi, I just saw the new NXT machines at globaltronics in Singapore, and mostly they are faster. However what was interesting is Fuji shows a prototype of the new XPF machine, but it was called XPF-W which handles really large PCB's and uses the sam
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 29 09:28:56 EST 2008 | chrispink1
Anybody know what the connections are, and signalling requirements for fuji nxt feeders
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 29 23:45:24 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, Actually the sales guy from Fuji recommended to us XP because of the speed and feeder load. We get 100 feeder positions per chip shooter, so that's nice, plus they are CP feeders, so there is a lot of second hand feeders. I saw the NXT in Taiw
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 21:04:29 EST 2011 | ghosteye2011
Various kinds of high quality SMT nozzles, cutters, filters, etc. for more than 10 years, Assembleon nozzle, NXT nozzle, FUJI nozzle, Hitachi nozzle, JUKI nozzle, KME nozzle, Panasert nozzle, Philips nozzle, Samsung nozzle, Sanyo nozzle, Sony nozzle,
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 14:57:09 EDT 2022 | spoiltforchoice
Indeed, back in 2010 or so I had quotes for a MY100 with a Hydra head,as part of that I did get them to run a theoretical build time for one of our own boards. That came back @ just under 7k cph, it was a pretty sensible board with a nice range of th
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