Electronics Forum: fuji nxt11 price (Page 1 of 14)

Used equipment price estimates..?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 11:00:19 EDT 1998 | Matt Harding

I have some potential unused SMT equipment which may be candidates for sale. Any input regarding the value or expected going rate would be appreciated. CONDITION: E - Excellent Condition F - Fair Condition G - Good Condition Equipment List: BRAND

Re: fuji machin

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 11:33:38 EDT 1999 | Malcolm Montanjees

| | fuji gp, cp642e, ip3 and other | | Dear Sir, please explain what you mean by GP, are you referring to Fujiu GSP printers? if so, what models are you looking for. We have GSP3-5000 and GSP3-4000 avaiable for immedate sale at $25,000 each. FOB Nor

Re: fuji machin

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 18:08:29 EDT 1999 | M Cox

| | | fuji gp, cp642e, ip3 and other | | | | Dear Sir, please explain what you mean by GP, are you referring to Fujiu GSP printers? if so, what models are you looking for. We have GSP3-5000 and GSP3-4000 avaiable for immedate sale at $25,000 each. F

Re: fuji feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 23:00:07 EST 1998 | David Lombard

| | Thanks for your reply. | | I am interested in knowing about maintenance schedules and levels. I'm wondering how to know if I must replace a part. What part? What type of lubrication (for Fuji). Etc. | | My company is small in terms of number of

Re: Used equipment price estimates..?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 22:00:50 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| I have some potential unused SMT equipment which may be candidates for sale. Any input regarding the value or expected going rate would be appreciated. | CONDITION: | E - Excellent Condition | F - Fair Condition | G - Good Condition | Equipment Li

Fuji XP242E

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 07 11:22:09 EDT 2005 | Rob

Hi, can anyone tell me what the current real price is for a new Fuji XP242E? i.e. the price you can pay & not the price they would like you to pay. I know that there are a lot of other machines out there etc. but it's info on the Fuji I'm after at t


Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 21 06:28:37 EST 2007 | val

Hello, I have to buy a new SMT Machine. I'm thinking about Fuji NXT. They offered me at the price of 500.000 EURO. Do you think this is a good price for the features of this machine? The price is like in your countries? Sorry if I'm speaking only ab

Fuji Motor Feeder vs. Hover-Davis??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 22:37:58 EST 1999 | Larry Johnson

Does anyone out there have any information on this new "Fuji Motor Feeder" Price and how it compares to Hover-Davis. I should specify feeders for an Fuji IP-3. Any information would be great. Thanks Larry

Re: Fuji Motor Feeder vs. Hover-Davis??

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 08 11:54:38 EST 1999 | Bob Schuster

| Does anyone out there have any information on this new "Fuji Motor Feeder" Price and how it compares to Hover-Davis. I should specify feeders for an Fuji IP-3. Any information would be great. Thanks Larry |

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 09:05:38 EDT 2005 | jdengler

Try http://www.smtresearch.com/ But the price is not much cheaper than new ones.

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