Electronics Forum: fuji pj0058 plate (Page 1 of 5)

Fuji FIP3 Vibratory Feeders - Top plate & stoppers

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 11:40:04 EDT 2007 | cyber_wolf

Fuji does not sell individual lanes....you have to buy the $900 kit. Have your local machine shop build them for you. If you dont have a local machine shop, post here again and I may be able to help you.

Fuji FIP3 Vibratory Feeders - Top plate & stoppers

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 14:12:21 EDT 2007 | mmjm_1099


Fuji FIP3 Vibratory Feeders - Top plate & stoppers

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 09:10:04 EDT 2007 | dwarf flip (I'm actually considered a giant in my tribe)

get 'em tape and reeled and save yourself the headache!

Fuji FIP3 Vibratory Feeders - Top plate & stoppers

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 09:38:07 EDT 2007 | poultorp

Cyncrona A/S we make them (danish dept.)

Fuji FIP3 Vibratory Feeders - Top plate & stoppers

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 11:38:54 EDT 2007 | aj

Hi All, Can anyone advise supplier for the above mentioned parts ? Type 1 & Type 2 i.e. for SO8 & SO16 type components. Or even better a drawing of each. aj...

Fuji Help

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 11:58:23 EDT 2001 | thrasher7

I have purchased a GSP tooling plate from: http://www.autogroup.com/home.html This was not a "universal" plate but I'm sure they could build you whatever you need. Roger

Tooling Plate

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 18:43:09 EDT 2000 | Christopher Noonan

I am looking for tooling plate manufactures. I am kind of new to the SMT process, well as far as tooling goes, and I am trying to find a machinist to make tooling plates for Fuji and Siemens placement machines. Does anyone have any recommendation f

Fuji Help

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 10:08:22 EDT 2001 | csullivan

I have a Fuji GSP-II and was wondering if anyone knew of any good places to get a "universal" tooling plate? Thanks.

FUjJI IP-3 / MTU4 proper measurement tricks

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 22:42:46 EDT 1998 | Phillipf Hunter

Okay, Fuji MTU4 experts...I need a precise way to determin the X-origin and Y-origin of the tray plates. The center of the S-nozzle referenced to the plate corner is very difficult to EXACTLY measure. I need accuracy to pick small QFP28's - otherwi

Re: CpK kits for chip shooters

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 20:25:49 EST 1999 | Dave F

| I know there was some discussion a few months ago on this topic but I don't think a good solution was offered for checking CpK using chips using a chip shooter. I am looking for a way to measure this on our Fuji CP6-4000. Any suggestions? | | Je

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