Electronics Forum: fuji qp2 power loss (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Benefits/advantages of SMT to purchaser

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 08:59:49 EST 1998 | Stefan Witte

| A potential purchaser of our products (switchmode power supplies for telecommunications) has asked what the benefits of SMT are to him. | Our marketing people wish to obtain a list of the benefits of SMT to the purchaser of the end product. i.e. th

Re: Does Fuji have adaptive pick?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 22:00:50 EST 1998 | Phillip Hunter

| Many machines now have adaptive pick that helps tune in the pickup as the 0402 part moves around in the pocket. Fuji may have a feature like this, but I think they adapt the pickup in only one axis (by adjusting the feeder rack). Unfortunately th

Re: BGA repair/rework

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 07 08:19:24 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | | | I'm having a fun time between BGA rework/repair using an SRT 1000 and SPC efforts (much easier) using DEK stencil printing processes and BTU reflow with 6 Fuji lines in between. | | | | | | | | Concerning the BGA stuff, I'm getting


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