Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 17:11:51 EST 2004 | jdengler
Clayton On the tray tower, the tray that's at the pick-up level flags a sensor at the back of the tray right next to the lead screw. This sensor needs to be made to zero the machine. Either the trays are out of position or the sensor is bad. Jerr
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 11:29:27 EST 2002 | bmathey
I've been told that some Fuji machines have the ability to return rejected tray components back to their original positions in the matrix tray, rather than to a reject station. Can anyone describe/provide specifics about this function?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 15 08:23:14 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf
We are seeing more and more jobs come in with matrix tray parts for our mydata machines. The problem is that the largest Y wagon will only hold 3 or less trays. We have some jobs that have 10+ trays. Currently our operators cut the trays down to sma
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 11:23:12 EDT 2002 | cabjerk
Hi All; Is there any web site or resource where to get the correct sizes of trays based on any industary standards? Our kit pull has many trays to choose from they don't always get the correct one. The part then comes to the floor and the Fuji pgm
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 21 09:00:35 EST 2005 | aj
apologies to all if info. was misunderstood. I am refering to fuji IP3/ Tray Data inputted in program uses corner of actual tray as 0,0.....
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 01 18:40:45 EDT 2000 | Daniel Szeto
Does anyone have experience on feeding BGA trays on Fuji IP2. Regards! D Szeto
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 21:50:46 EDT 2010 | dman97
Does anyone know the correct way to measure the pitch of the cavities between the rows and columns of waffle trays? Everytime that we measure using a caliper, it is always off. Is there a formula to use to determine the exact center of the cavities?
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 17 13:58:25 EST 2005 | bvdb
Jared, Thank you for the help. AFter following your advice we were able to get the display to say Jog L. However, pressing the UP or DOWN arrow or pressing the "F" key and the UP or DOWN arrow didn't do anything. The trays stay put. When we requ
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 11:13:33 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf
We currently have Fuji's(IP3's included) and Mydata's in our SMT area , so training is not an issue. The reason I was thinking of an IP3 is because they seem to be available for 50K or so. We cannot afford to loose any mag positions on our Mydata's t
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 09:31:21 EST 1999 | Dave Manero
I am looking for the dimensions of the qfp trays. I need to no the center to center as well as the edge to center. I will use this information to program the fuji QP machine for placing 44pin QFP from the tray, or other devices. I can measure this by