Electronics Forum: fuji xp2 pick up nozzle (Page 1 of 5)

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 03:47:12 EDT 2005 | fastek

I'm confused. Aren't Fuji nozzles like $20 each? Why bother? I would hope you understand that a nozzle not properly repaired could cause $50 worth of rework in about a minute after you installed it. Stepping over dimes to pick up pennies comes to min

Fuji IP3 Nozzles

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 11:45:08 EDT 1998 | John McMasters

Has anyone used Fuji's rubber tip nozzles for the IP3? Are they O-ring type or suction cup? I'm having trouble picking up Ompacs due to the top of the part not consistently being flat. Any actual experience with these $1100 nozzles would be appreci

Re: Fuji IP3 Nozzles

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 11:12:49 EDT 1998 | John McMasters

| | Has anyone used Fuji's rubber tip nozzles for the IP3? Are they O-ring type or suction cup? I'm having trouble picking up Ompacs due to the top of the part not consistently being flat. Any actual experience with these $1100 nozzles would be app

Re: Fuji IP3 Nozzles

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 12:26:33 EDT 1998 | Ben Salisbury

| Has anyone used Fuji's rubber tip nozzles for the IP3? Are they O-ring type or suction cup? I'm having trouble picking up Ompacs due to the top of the part not consistently being flat. Any actual experience with these $1100 nozzles would be appre

Re: Fuji IP3 Nozzles

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 19:40:21 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| | | Has anyone used Fuji's rubber tip nozzles for the IP3? Are they O-ring type or suction cup? I'm having trouble picking up Ompacs due to the top of the part not consistently being flat. Any actual experience with these $1100 nozzles would be a

Re: Fuji IP3 Nozzles

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 07:48:46 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| Has anyone used Fuji's rubber tip nozzles for the IP3? Are they O-ring type or suction cup? I'm having trouble picking up Ompacs due to the top of the part not consistently being flat. Any actual experience with these $1100 nozzles would be appre

Jammed Fuji CP65 Nozzles?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 15:49:08 EST 2007 | rmitchell

Hi, Our Fuji CP65 nozzles are jamming in the up position. Mostly on caps and resistors, the .7mm (0402) and 1.0mm (0805) and 1.3mm (1206) sizes. They seem to be catching internally where the little peg slides down the slot. If you twist them they

CP6 Nozzle sticking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 06:53:50 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

It seems that every time we do maintenance on our CP6 windmills, we have a lot of problems with nozzles sticking up inside the holders. It seems to happen for a while, then it goes away after we run for a bit. We follow the Fuji maintenance procedure

CP6 Nozzle sticking

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 18:41:13 EST 2005 | jimmyb

--IE, Funny.--- I "remember" kinda, from the early CP6 years, things about the springs. The early Fuji springs had sharp ends, and if you spun the nozzle, prior to final attachment, the opposite way it could stick, and if it was spun the right way,

Re: Fuji IP3 Nozzles

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 10:11:17 EDT 1998 | Ben Salisbury

| Has anyone used Fuji's rubber tip nozzles for the IP3? Are they O-ring type or suction cup? I'm having trouble picking up Ompacs due to the top of the part not consistently being flat. Any actual experience with these $1100 nozzles would be appre

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