Electronics Forum: fuji zero (Page 1 of 6)

FuJi IP 3 - CRTA event I/O

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 07 11:40:32 EDT 2010 | daxman

Huh... Can you maybe explain a bit more? Are you getting this error on the IP3 monitor or on the programming computer? Do you use MCS, Fuji Cam or Flexa? Will the machine start up and zero-set? At which point of the power-up does the error arise? Are

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 19:12:41 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

Hello all ! FUJI IP3 starts up, makes zero setting OK But if I start AUTO mode, it gives error -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code 11082010 UsedBy MTU3,MTU4,MTU5 Display Usable Proper Data has

FUJI IPII ESC 3 Cycle Alarm

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 23 10:21:45 EDT 2015 | kurtiss

During production the machine Cycle Alarm ESC 3. When cycling power the error shows up again during a zero set after performing the Z1 zero set. When it errors out on zero set the only option that the machine allows is to power off. Thanks in advance

Fuji IP2 - Check Nozzle

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 18:56:42 EDT 2010 | slwolbert

Greetings all: I may have a simpler issue going on with this Fuji IP2 machine I'm struggling with. IP2 will boot and zero set, but if production is to be done, during the nozzle check sequence it gives a check nozzle message. This is due to the no

Fuji CP6-5 Servo Z overflow?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 10:10:18 EDT 2006 | rmitchell

Hi, Our CP6-5 has a Z overflow error when trying to zero set. The table moves in X and Y and almost zeros prior to the Z overflow. Servo Amp? Rob

Fuji CP643

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 18:53:47 EDT 2022 | rdssmt

Hi. We have some problems with FCP643, the problem is when make a zero de axes CAM does not stop rotating and does not finish the zero and when rotating is makes it slow. Has anyone had this problem? Thanks.

Fuji CP troubleshooting

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 17:00:56 EST 2005 | Johnw

you may have a servo reach pulse error go into mecha check and check zero dev

Fuji IP2 MTU giving me fits

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 02 14:46:04 EST 2019 | kdexter0928

If you are referring to the zero sensors then they are all working as they should.

Fuji QP242 tz axis comm error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 16:48:01 EDT 2019 | linux

Change SCU card with next module, reboot. Zero set Send proper

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 10:51:28 EDT 2004 | Mike Albert

Guys I've been following your threads for a bit here. I have to say that the Universal machine is as robust and probably better than the Fuji. I too have been in this business for about 20 years and have had considerable experience on both. The pla

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