Electronics Forum: fuji-flexa backup (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji CP IV-3

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 13:49:27 EDT 2012 | johndoe0222

We recently made a backup of our FujiFlexa and Fuji give us a new License for the new installation. Then loaded the program into the machine and now its placing some of the components off. We retransmitted the Status and Proper then reloaded the

Director Fuji Flexa + CP4

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 00:35:13 EDT 2012 | fujiphil

If you have the backup files for your program and proper. Try to flush-out the machine memory. Then try again to report CP4 to flexa. If the reporting went good, the communication must be ok. Resend the proper and program.


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