Electronics Forum: functional test system (Page 1 of 106)

SMT LED functional failure

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 01:40:17 EDT 2003 | praveen

Hi , We are using water wash solder paste to solder the SMT LED's manufactured by Chicago Miniature lamp (CMD93-21 & 22)and Kingbright. Achieving the solder fillet , wetting has no issue but we observe high fallout at the functional testing. If we do

PCBA fail functional test due to frequency drift

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 14 03:21:37 EDT 2009 | lincy

We found a PCBA performance have insertion loss at the functional test process. We did some analysis and conclude the main root cause is from the PCB performance. What is the critical parameter in PCB will cause a failure in PCBA frequency performan

electrical test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 16:54:46 EDT 2006 | pjc

In-Circuit test, or ICT, is the most common method of electrical test for an assembled PCB. It is the most comprehensive and accurate method to ensure that both the PWB and components are working to specification. Not all components however can be el

Relying on AOI for sensor boards - EOL for functional test

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 12:45:00 EDT 2018 | mdkmdr

Trying to get a sense of the push-pull going on between designers and manufacturers on the subject of 'one test point per net'. Getting a feeling like the new paradigm is doing all of the electrical tests as functional at EOL and relying almost comp

Relying on AOI for sensor boards - EOL for functional test

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 04:45:42 EDT 2018 | robl

Depends on what sort of outfit you are working for, and what you are building. A lot of CEMs are doing Flying Probe or ICT on the boards ahead of investing time building into units or adding parts that prevent access to rework. We have a combination

inspection system

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 08:38:23 EDT 2003 | pjc

Don't have any specific links to papers and articles. Try searching on the IPC.org (plus APEX show http://www.goapex.org) and SMTA.org web sites. Any papers and articles on the process from equipment mfg.'s should be taken with a grain of salt. Sold

electrical test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 16:06:18 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin

You will have to be more specific about your boards and process to get any help. There are many different types of in circuit tests and functional tests throughout the manufacturing process. The nature of these tests depend on board function. Sinc

solderability test

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 03 22:15:13 EST 2002 | caldon

RPS (Robtic Process Systems - I think) Makes a system called a Wet Balance tester. This machine is useful for Solderability on PCB sections and Components. Also for more info please go to http://www.empf.org/html/empfset.htm and down load Decemeber

Re: Slim-Kic prophet system

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 15:50:04 EDT 1998 | Rick

The KIC Prophet system does indeed deliver as promised. The Slim-KIC (datalogger portion) works well and is worth the price of admission by itself. The Prophet portion of the system (resident in the oven) works great and decreases the requirement for

SMT soldering expert system

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 15 22:05:11 EDT 1998 | Stoney Tsai

I have been building one sophisticated SMT soldering expert system (KBS), through my 8-YEARs SMT experience. As I know, in the marketplace only published some SMT raw material selection Expert System. The system needs more technical information about

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