Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 07:42:25 EST 2018 | robl
Hi James, Thank you for answering. We can simultaneously pick multiple different part numbers with no problem, but we cannot generate programs simultaneously picking the same part number from multiple feeders on our Juki's. We can on our Yamaha's.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 24 04:18:12 EDT 2008 | gang
we have some problems in soldering joints such as insufficient solder and misalignment on some RC0402 and CC0402,i don't have a pic here. our SMT enginner doubts the PCB land pattern is at the fault.here is what we measured results.pad length:0.9mm,
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 02:24:35 EDT 2008 | gang
thank you very much
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 08:48:11 EDT 2018 | kathylci
Looking for someone to assist with programming and tech support for SPEA Flying probe system. If you can or know someone who may be able to help please let us know. kfisher@lewis-clark.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 07:56:08 EST 2019 | flyingprobe
what brand ur using?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 08:31:43 EST 2019 | dontfeedphils
I'm guessing SPEA.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 16:46:36 EST 2019 | slthomas
What ever could have given you that idea??
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 09:21:03 EST 2019 | kathylci
Yes, SPEA is what we need now. But also interested in Takaya tech support and other test fixtures.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 09:18:28 EST 2016 | whitewing
If you're using Microchip parts, Microchip can supply ready programmed (and marked) via Microchipdirect. Some distributors also offer programming services
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 05:33:05 EST 2016 | jvercamm
hi, I would like to know if SMD parts (soic, small qfp, large qfp and tsop parts) can be programmed before PCB assembly and, if true, which companies can do this. These parts are either embedded microcontrollers with flash memory, flash memory and