Electronics Forum: gas (Page 1 of 27)

Idle gas mode

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 02:46:01 EDT 2004 | Jo

�Now I can use Idle gas mode but I want to set N2 Idle Time because it will work when the furnace empty instantly So, the question is How could I set N2 idle timer and pressure regulator ,

Capacitor out gas

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 31 14:01:19 EDT 2014 | mkm

Does any have insight, or reference of know an expert about the question.... do capacitors that contain PCB out gas? Mike

Capacitor out gas

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 01:53:33 EDT 2014 | padawanlinuxero

Well is they are Tantalum capacitors they might outgas theres a paper, old but I guess it give you an idea.

Nitrogen gas and Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 10:12:11 EST 2011 | callckq

All, I try to find explanation(Article)on how Nitrogen gas can make tombstone defect even worst. However, I can't find one in the net. Anyone that has this information or article, appreciate if you can share with me...Thanks in advance.

Nitrogen gas and Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 16:34:03 EST 2011 | davef

Google: nitrogen reflow tombstone https://www.google.com/search?q=nitrogen+reflow+tombstone&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Nitrogen gas and Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 24 07:41:33 EST 2011 | davef

Here's a paper from the SMTnet Newsletter http://www.smtnet.com/library/files/upload/dispelling_10_myths_about_nitrogen_reflow__andy_mackie.pdf

Nitrogen gas and Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 14:57:45 EST 2011 | jlawson

Sorry on N2 and tombstone, many other aspects cause tombstones and n2 in itself does not cause tombstones. It can help make other bad variables tip over edge to cause tombstones more than with no N2. Get these right then N2 is not issue.

Nitrogen gas and Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 14:55:17 EST 2011 | jlawson

N2 is a reflow process widener so to speak, for leaded reflow less of a impact, for LF more impact, and if using finer LF solder pastes T4,T5 and smaller paste deposits generally, it helps widen window for flux in paste in oxide protection during soa

Nitrogen gas and Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 10:51:12 EST 2011 | scottp

I've never seen a good article with a definitive explanation - just speculation that the increased wetting forces due to nitrogen result in increased tombstones. My own experience is that nitrogen is a very minor contributor to tombstones and can pr

HG 7900 hot gas rework station.

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 14:30:42 EDT 2003 | KEN MAYNARD

Does anyone know of a company or person who is currently servicing this hot gas rework station. We had purchased this unit in 1994 from Manix Mfr. but they no longer support this unit CAN SOMEONE HELP!! call me @ 631-439-9377

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