Electronics Forum: gas analyzer (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Quick Purge of Reflow Oven for N2 Operation

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 04 18:56:25 EST 1999 | Marc P.

| We have a Vitronics SMR400N oven and many times need to use N2 inerting. My problem is that it takes close to an hour of operation to purge the system to achieve the desired O2 levels (~40PPM). This is not only time consuming but results in an inor

Solder Paste for Thermal Cycling application (-40 to 150 Degree Celcius)

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 17:25:58 EST 2017 | davef

Help me understand your issue better ... Are you looking to: * Improve your products that are used for thermal cycling testing of products of other companies? * Change your production materials so that you pass thermal cycling testing of your produ


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