Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 14:59:50 EDT 2004 | davef
Russ: Immersion gold [imm Au] is "soft" and it's "gold", but it is NOT "soft gold". Here's the question for your board house: If imm Au is "soft gold" and imm Au self-limits
Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 20:52:26 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin
I have been using my topaz X for about 4 years now and I feel that I am fairly knowledgeable about it, at least the functions of it that I use... I am trying to use the LCS to place some qfp chips on a new product and I have set the whole thing up t
Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 10:34:57 EDT 2015 | squeekypigeon
If memory serves me right, if you are test picking a component which will be served to the machine via an LCS the 'pick position' will automatically set itself to feeder slot 1. If you change this to something more central (I used to use location 4
Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 12:39:25 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin
Ahh, yes. Just about the same time you replied someone else I asked said the same thing! I didn't realize that you had to put the part on by hand for the vision test. In the book it says to leave the feeder position set to the default setting. Fu
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 14:59:50 EDT 2023 | proceng1
OK, does your axis screw have the flex coupler or the magnetic coupler? Which axis is it? Did you turn off soft limits? If it's out of range, soft limits won't let it move by controls. I need to know which axis before I can get too far into this. I
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 19:52:14 EST 2007 | fastek
A soft limit error is an error due to trying to drive the head outside it's mechanical limits. Check your X-axis program data for this part.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 13:07:18 EDT 2016 | claudea2
Hello Bob, we changed the nozzle z parameter until we got limit errors and backed up 1 mil. There was a slight reduction in the limit errors on the pickup of the component but it is still a problem. With the mod code we adjust the soft z height to ab
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 09:18:13 EST 2010 | davemacnemo
Machine installer gave me some tips and a run through the software. Everything worked just fine. First solo attempt to run product that we started with gives L305 SoftLimitOver... error after picking first components and passing over camera. Additio
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 13:01:26 EDT 2002 | Hussman69
Sure do. Spent a couple months with that group last winter trying to get the Soft Beam to solder a small connector board. It really depends on what you are trying to solder. The Soft Beam couldn't handle my job because our board was too small. No
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 12:15:14 EST 2010 | rajtaware
Check if the feeder position is out of picking area mentioned in manual. Change the feeder position.